
Myew myew, I will see your head on a pike, King Friday, myew myew.

Pardon me for breathing which I don't anyway…

No springs!

How about Mitchell vs. Rowsdower?

That wretched fucking rodent. Every time, I wanted Tom to devour that little bastard, but it never happened! Such bitter disappointment.

I have to wait for the encore. What did you think? Did you wear your Castleton shirt?

But I was already in East Prussia!

And that guy is Lem from The Shield.

I think Denmark is about it. Edited to add, insofar as WWII is concerned.

Pitt the Even Younger?

They are related, so your wonderings led you down the correct path. I studied German and have only read linguistics for fun, so I'm sure others can be more specific, but Yiddish developed partly from German thus the similarities.

Well, that's awe-inspiring.

All I got from it was her obsession with marriages involving huge age gaps and her incredibly misogynistic take on beauty standards. But it may be mired in lunacy.

It's repellent, the insistence on details of Dylan Farrow's sexual assault. And I apologize for mentioning something of which you may have been blissfully unaware.

Coulter plays the VP and takes part in a charming reenactment of the Iwo Jima flag raising atop a pile of shark corpses.

There could be a version of La Boheme out there with a happy ending, though, and I was just unaware. It's entirely possible! Neither of us needs to see it.

But Mimi dies in La Boheme, both in the opera and the series of vignettes on which it's based. Larson seems to have pulled a West Side Story to Romeo and Juliet, allowing the heroine to live. If there exists a retelling of La Boheme with a happy ending, please let me remain ignorant.

That doesn't mean they aren't more entertaining to watch than Sean's campaign.

Breaks my heart.

I think so, or certainly felt drawn to him. Completely understandable!