
She's been dancing like Mummenschanz, it's ridiculous.

Renard is nothing if not expedient.

My German is better written than spoken, which on the show means that I'm a native of Stuttgart.

Dave Foley?

I'm the Mary!

I don't want to see him much, no matter how charming Jon Hamm is. I agree with you that it hurts the tenor of the show's humor.

The political subplot hasn't worked for me that well; it's made me trust Sean less than I did before, which wasn't much. You're a kinder, gentler person than I, Janet. I've reached the point at which I don't even like Sean.

I believe Diana still has that connection with Meisner. I think that's why she's so indifferent to Sean and to BC, maybe even hostile to them. They've threatened her mother!

I was so looking forward to hijinx!

I'll be in my bunk.

Excellent point! I know this stuff would just bog the show down, but this is exactly the kind of thing I dig. I miss the Airstream. I miss the lore.

I wasn't enamored of her from the first episode, either. It only took to the second one, though. She really did come into her own when circumstances dictated that she take the lead from Nick. I also think Toboni has gone from green-and-talented to very good, and that's made Trubel much more nuanced.

I think (and hope) that Adalind is very much an unwilling participant in Black Claw misdeeds. Renard, however, is in for a penny, in for a pound.


Toboni fits this show so well, and she's great in the fight scenes. I want to know where Trubel and Meisner go at all times, as I am greedy. I'm more interested in them than in the political campaign. They just feel more in keeping with what drew me to the show in the first place.

Henriette! She was cool, cut down too soon by a stupid subplot.

I've never trusted Renard much, so I just trust him that much less now. Diana doesn't seem to think much of him either.

He's auditioning to replace Shirtless Rage?

That's true. It was very awkwardly staged, so as attractive as I find Meisner, it would've made more sense for him to keep his shirt on. He is a good fighter and I'd like for the show to put his skills to better use.

You've been naughty!