
Last night's episode was fantastic. AV Club, you disappoint me so.

Smile, Jessica!

I'd love for Daisy to be the one to take Grant out once and for all, whatever tentacle beastie he happens to be at the moment.

I'm still pissed at Major, though, for


I'm disappointed that no one has caught the reference. So disappointed.

No no no! I was quoting Dave's Sarcastic Guy!

I don't watch kittens on Animal Planet? I create my own in a lab.

Ruh Roh!

I can take some small comfort that my late mother liked the Kids in the Hall and Newsradio and would think Castle was an arrogant douche. She liked watching kittens on Animal Planet, though, so you take what you can get.

Thank you, Les. I shall treasure this as I treasure my turnip.

Baldrick, who gave you permission to turn into an Alsatian?

Skipped out during English class.

Two things?

I respect that you didn't edit the original post. Ya got class, EMG.

"So you don't tell him that you saw him out with another man."

Ha ha! Hi, Burl!

Aren't American accents douchey and English ones obnoxious? I can't get this straight.

Du hast's nicht rechts! :-(

SCTV! Corner Gas!