
My guess is that they wouldn’t want more than one big Zelda game to come out at the same time. With Link’s Awakening this year and I think BOTW2 for 2020, we probably wont see another port for a while. I can see maybe early 2020 (like march) or late 2020 if BOTW2 gets pushed to 2021, but yeah. I’d put money that those

I love a lot of kotaku’s journalism, but I can’t stand how their writers are constantly injecting themselves into news stories. 

Pretty much. It’s based on the Power Rangers: Shattered Grid comic series where in an alternate dimension Tommy never becomes good. Half the roster for the game are the “bad guys” which are basically evil Pink and Black Rangers (plus evil Tommy and Goldar). Pink does have an alt costume that is her classic outfit

DP: “Oh really? How about you shut your FU-”

idk i just got to the “sinister six” part and I was genuinely surprised when they revealed the sixth villain. Sure I knew that character would be a villain eventually, but it came a lot earlier than I thought and in a different, more interesting way. 

I’d probably mostly agree if I thought about it for more than a minute. kong was kind of a turn your brain off movie for me (in a good way). but man are those shots with Sam Jackson with the fires/sunsets behind him cool.

And if Kong: Skull Island is anything to go by, this movie is going to ooze in pulpy style. It’s going to look great.

Red Hair Goku and Blue Hair Vegeta are the perfect combinations in terms of looks in my opinion.

As a dude who occasionally likes shoujo, I never got past like 2 episodes of Maid-sama despite everyone hyping it up. The male protagonist was just so creepy and annoying for me. Is that just me or does that change?

Yo, Krillin is my fav character after Gohan, then I picked Tien bc of the volleyball move and Chaotzu suicide bomber, got rid of Gohan because for some reason I’m much better with Yamcha. Did not expect to end up with three of the weakest characters in the show as my main team.

Is she really homophobic? I find that hard to believe since she’s such a huge Supernatural fan. (I’m somewhat joking)

Boruto has a lot going for it, but the big one for me is that the lead 3 characters are so much more likable than the original 3. Besides his daddy issues, Boruto is actually a very cool character, who’s smart, friendly with everyone, and is mostly angst free. I also think the 3 (Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki) play off

And if you consider The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl a direct sequel (apparently it is only a sequel in spirit), Tatami Galaxy adds so much to the world of The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl.

The Night Is Short, Walk On Girl is such a good “sequel” to Tatami Galaxy. It blew me away with how creative, unique, and entertaining it was. Not including how colorfully beautiful it is. The whole I had no idea what was going to happen next and truly felt like the movie was taking me for a ride. 

The way japanese media and anime specifically handle LGBT situations make me really sad. The way Steins;Gate handled it was very touching and interesting imo, but they do in the end call her a he etc. Likewise with Persona 4 getting really close to handling gay and trans problems, but then back pedals into gay jokes.

I liked the puzzles just ok in Catherine. If anything, it makes me wish that the same team would tackle other types of games, but with the same awesome social system that frames each levels. Can you imagine a shooter, fantasy dungeon crawler, or DMC style game where you end/start each level at a stylized hang out

Yeah, like most games with moral choices, I try to play how I would in real life. Catherine frustratingly made me feel like that was impossible. One of my only beef with such a great game.

Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks for the heads up! I’ll hold off on Episode Ignis until the end at least.

I’m not done with the game, but it’s in the main menu. My friend tells me to just play each dlc when the character mentioned “leaves” the party and comes back after a chapter.