Yeah, personally this movie doesn’t seem interesting to me, but he’s one of those directors with a good enough track record where I’ll definitely watch this.
Yeah, personally this movie doesn’t seem interesting to me, but he’s one of those directors with a good enough track record where I’ll definitely watch this.
I caught a few episodes. It FEELS more like a cartoon if that makes any sense. And I mean that in a good way. The facial expressions, the fluidity of the animation. Felt like a pokemon show that is less of an anime and has a little bit of american cartoons in it’s DNA.
Yeah, I posted this earlier,
I want to be an optimist and say that it also has to do with the fact that more women are getting into anime and jrpgs (or at least now acknowledged) and that women’s roles are slowly progressing in Japan so stronger, more capable female characters are now popular. It’s just that anime and video games have to…
Yup, a lot of gamers I know don’t like Kotaku because they focus so much on social issues (I don’t mind personally, though it does feel like every other article is about social issues I’m supposed to be mad about), but when it comes down to it, Kotaku is one of the better places for video game NEWS. I’ve always…
Like the other poster basically says, it has a lot of anime tropes but uses most of them as a starting point and moves on to more interesting things (usually).
Wouldn’t millennials be more inclined to watch a streamed, online show like The Grand Tour?
Iirc isn’t that an easter egg via trophies in Uncharted 4 now?
“OH! And their bullshit excuses for not having female Link/Zelda playable. It’s fine they’re not, just the excuses they made though were like, WTF?”
For me, the gameplay looks right up my alley. I just hate the characters so far. Boring, douchy looking boyband guys dont appeal to me. The main story also looks grim and too self serious.
P3 and P4. Personally I think P4 is the one to go to if you’re only going to play one of them. Mechanics are more streamlined, the characters are more likable, and the story is fun. Then, if you like that, check out P3 which is also very good.
“It’s not THAT popular.”
Yeah but that guy has huge daddy issues.
My thoughts exactly. I didn’t care too much for him in the first episode, but yes, he’s one of their best new reoccurring characters
Man I wanted to like the guy in your gif but I just can't get through any of his lets plays. It's not that he yells and over reacts, I get that, but he just never turns the overreacting off. I need some breathing room in between his yelling blowing up my cheap computer speakers.
It’s a spoiler but not one that affects the story much if at all. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
It's a spoiler but not one that affects the story much if at all.
“ set in the larger Gotham City of the main game set after the events of the game with Dick Grayson as Batman.”
Man as a crappy college student I wish my life was all like “meh I’ma chill and read books.”
I laughed so hard when Goten hits his head on the steering wheel. Any mornal kid would have been dead. But like you said i dont think Goku was trying to save Goten, he was just trying to save the truck. Goten being a dumb kid probably wasn’t thinking about what would happen to the truck.