
I’ve read it. But it doesn’t answer the question of why Giersch hasn’t had his visa renewed. Records show he hasn’t even applied.

tbh, could not think of a more clever way to distract from the fact that mccarthy basically said the bengahazi hearings were a political tool against a hillary clinton presidency

Congratulations to new House Speaker A Gestating Fetus

It’s pathetic how fragile some guys are. How *dare* a woman speak out against violence.

Yup. And he literally joined Twitter just to spew this vile garbage. That, or he was too chickenshit to do it from his usual account.

Woman opens her mouth to say guys we need to talk about this problem. Guys fuck you.

I like that this marc guy caps locks his CUNTS so we know he is being super aggressive. A lowercase cunt just does not get the job done.

onto a couch covered in assault rifles

Look at all the fun tweets she’s getting in response:

I love that she called out the bullshit pink ribbon when it’s so very obvious that the NFL doesn’t care about women but only their precious reputation.

I’m honestly struggling to find a public arena where domestic violence IS taken seriously. It seems that everyone from actors, to musicians, to sport stars can commit the most heinous crimes and just brush of their shoulders with an “oopsie” and everything’s forgiven. Personally - I don’t just blame the media. It’s

The pathetic thing about the school’s response was that they blamed me for it. Two days before the incident, I sent him a note saying to leave me alone, that I wanted no contact with him outside of class, and that I was dating someone else who I liked better. They said that if I hadn’t “triggered” him, he wouldn’t

The guy who sexually assaulted me and then brought a bayonet to a band concert with a hit list, threatening to kill me and other exes, wasn’t even charged with a misdemeanor. Why? Because the school didn’t call the cops the minute they found him with the weapon. They took the weapon, gave it back to his parents, and


I mean, you can raise your child to know that women are people but in today’s society every other person outside of your home will remind him that in fact we are not. With their actions, with their laws, with their assumptions, with their words.

All that I can say is that I’m glad they took this seriously & handled it promptly, & none of the students were hurt because of this entitled shit stain.

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

I assume the Ben Carson solution would have been for all the cheerleaders to send him nudes at once...

Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.