
If they removed all but maybe 2-3 of the 1.5 mile D-shaped ovals from the schedule, I wouldn’t shed a tear. The short tracks and superspeedways are worth watching... and, yes, the road courses oftentimes make for outstanding races, for both the drivers and the fans.

You are aware that the Cup series runs 2-3 road courses per year, xFinity runs 4 road courses, and Trucks run one, usually in Canada, yes? 🤨 Oh, you are? Good.

Mmmm, just love lickin' those boots.

Found the fascist.

Was that before or after the storm troopers started the random tear gassing? Yes, the feds were doing unprovoked tear gas attacks on Monday, which escalated things.

Wuss. I’ve been driving manuals in L.A. traffic for 20 years. It’s fun and gives me something to do.

Some criminal. You do know the crime isn’t even misdemeanor graffiti? She put up BLM stickers on city property.

Unclear how kidnapping someone is the correct response to this, rather than, you know, a normal arrest by a uniformed officer with a clearly visible badge. Also, given the lawless hooligans controlling those police cameras (cops) I don’t think those cameras do actually make me feel more safe and secure. But yes, given

Group of men in civilian clothes run up, grab a teenage girl and throw her into an unmarked vehicle. Sounds like a kidnapping to me.

I drove manuals in hours long traffic on the 405 in LA. It’s shitty, but it’s shitty in anything. It wasn’t enough to make me want to quit the clutch.

Stickers??? Thankfully they’ve pulled this dangerous domestic terrorist off the streets.

They’d have to pick him up off the floor because he’d be licking their boots on sight.

Way to defend the dismantling of our country’s ideals/democracy. You sound like you’d “well, actually, it’s legal” in a totalitarian regime. Also:

Generally speaking, the basic assumption of our legal system that you are 100% innocent until convicted of a crime should never, ever, ever, ever, ever be referred to as “semantics”. That’s a dangerous world view.

Here come the white suburban “just don’t do crime” comments.

No, that is is. That is the coherent argument. You do not need plainclothes cops, undercover cops, or half the units that are deployed. That is the argument. Our laws are overtly restrictive in areas they do not need to be, focus too much on crimes associated with minorities or non-violent offenses, and have different

It’s so cute that these bootlickers think that there are ‘right ways to protest’ but when it comes to policing, any ol’ way will do. This isn’t a freaking mod boss where the LEO have to sneak past informants and bodyguards.  

Right?  It’s like they learned nothing from Breonna Taylor.  Nobody’s going to recognize police authority if they have no idea who the fuck you are.

What seems like half the commenters on here: "I would rather nitpick the finest hair of possible disagreement than say maybe as a society we should do a better job of making sure everyone feels safe and secure"

Aside from all the disgusting bootlickers chiming in here to say this kidnapping was just fine and dandy, since she allegedly wrote a fucking tag on a wall somewhere (the horror), how is this even a good tactic for NYPD? If those uniformed bike cops hadn’t intervened to establish some real authority, shit would have