

If you or anyone you know has kids who are into cars, check this out:

Are you me? 6'6" here. I go to the local auto expo each year just to see what makes and models I fit in before I can do further research on what car to buy. I curse the modern ubiquity of sunroofs. I’ll so the same thing at dealerships. I’ll show up and say, “I’m not here to waste your time. I don’t need to test

I commented this on another post... My Dad put these Frantz systems on a few vehicles in the ‘70s. A lot of people complained about issues with them (usually when fluffy, dusty paper was used... hard single-ply paper was best). As far as I know, they are rare now. He still has one on his ‘72 Chevelle Malibu and has

My Dad put these Frantz systems on a few vehicles in the ‘70s. A lot of people complained about issues with them (usually when fluffy, dusty paper was used... hard single-ply paper was best). As far as I know, they are rare now. He still has one on his ‘72 Chevelle Malibu and has never had an issue.

This should be posted with every TJS authored piece, regardless of the topic.

Holy crap. You’re not kidding.