
Wait, wait....let me guess...He is a Trump supporter.

So if I understand what you’re saying, I should apply for $1.9 million?

Let’s hope so, but I’m afraid there a bunch of other assholes out there who are figuratively “buying Lamborghinis” with our money... The bar was set way, way too low for this program.

Low hanging fruit

Chemtrail headline is clickbait and awful.  This needs to be fixed. 

the trump administration is deploying BORDER PATROL to arrest people. but they’re totally not gestapo. definitely not.

I think that's the consumers to the manufacturers currently

I remember reading a story years ago where a radio station (I think it was an NPR station) was doing a fund raising drive. A gentleman walked up to the booth, took out a roll of money and peeled off a hundred and gave it to the people in the booth saying “This is for the shows I like.” He then peeled off another

They don’t accept much in (5%? I can’t remember) in public funding, everything else is donations. But still, donate - they do good work.

I need to send a donation to our local station. It’s the only sane station to listen to for OTA here. The stations that play the music I like are apparently, exclusively, sponsored by strip clubs and vape shops and boy howdy do they remind you every two songs.

I listen almost every day during my 20 minute commutes.  Rarely find myself reading on their site, though... for some reason.

My car radio is almost always on NPR. Let’s be honest, the content is so relaxed and less stressful compared to all the other garbage DJs and in-your-face commercials on the radio. The roads are stressful enough, I don’t need any of that.

NPR, or as I call it, the Voice of Sanity.

I got addicted to NPR after I returned to the US after being Europe for a semester during the runup to the 1st Gulf War. It was the closest we had to BBC.

Aren’t the full broadcasts 2 hours? Thats a lot of “getting ready” and “commuting” time. I agree though, I hear repeated stories far sooner than I would expect on my normal morning routine + running errands.

Donate to them cause you know the impeached orange turd wants to get rid of them.

I never really listened to NPR on the radio much but I am pretty sure I am not the only one avidly reading the hell out of their website during the pandemic. They are everything you’d want in a news outlet, just good steady, factual reporting without sensationalist click bait or fluffed up non-news items. 

Yeah, that’s also my take. 

I had sort of assumed most of NPR’s listener base had migrated to downloading a lot of their shows via podcast?