
Definitely felt physically ill during the hotel room scene.

There's a difference between assuming it goes on sometimes, and seeing an Eyes Wide Shut club attended by all the highest ranking men in Gilead.

Pretty much everything about Waterford was repulsive this episode, and that alone would justify a higher grade to me. Lesser writing and acting would have made Waterford a weirdly sympathetic character, misogynist but pining for the "good old days" and really wanting to take June "out on the town," albeit without

1. Nick was competent, but couldn't hold a job because he was taking care of an alcoholic brother, a life crisis that made him vulnerable to recruitment. The same MO cults always use. And keep in mind that Commander Pryce didn't attempt recruitment until Nick proved a willingness to use violence on a moment's notice.

That was exactly my thought when watching, that whole sequence made me almost (almost) forget Count Odo Grey.

Honestly, it's probably more common than you'd think. Most former criminals can't manage to save up enough cash to retire to Bali or whatever, but there's probably a fair number of mid-level criminals who survive long enough to save up $40-50k and buy a franchise.

I was assuming Archer meant it was about 100 pounds, or 50 kilos, and got confused.

My favorite detail in the new intro is Archer holding an Uzi (or similar submachine gun) instead of his usual Bondian Walther PPK-type pistol. It's the little things.

Robin's giggle at Barney's illustration of "Deal!" was the best part.

I wish I was cool enough to spend time commenting on Internet reviews of shows I don't like. Good thing you're here to show us the way. Otherwise we might enjoy things all willy-nilly.

I had forgotten dessert pizza was a thing and now I'm going to get fat.

As someone who was terrified when my girlfriend offhandedly made a comment about moving in together long before it would have been a good idea, I can sympathize with Penny, actually. In my case it had only been a couple months and it wasn't a particularly serious suggestion, so I was able to defuse the situation

Ava is pragmatic. She always has been—in the very first episode of the show she shot her husband. Why? Because she had to. Same reason she hit Ellen May. Same reason she had Ellen May killed. Ava has occasional pangs of conscience but at her core she's always looked out for number one.

"At one point, I'm pretty sure I sold a woman. I didn't speak the language, but I shook the guy's hand, he gave me the keys to a Mercedes, and I left her there."

"At one point, I'm pretty sure I sold a woman. I didn't speak the language, but I shook the guy's hand, he gave me the keys to a Mercedes, and I left her there."

This looks like a silver record. But it's not a silver record.

This looks like a silver record. But it's not a silver record.

He seems very much like Randall Flagg.

He seems very much like Randall Flagg.

That's pretty much the perfect way to describe it.