
I put off watching Community until about three months ago because of posters on the Big Bang Theory reviews, and I'll never forgive them for that.

Now that's Chang I can believe in!

People like you are the reason it took me so long to give Community a chance. I hate you so god damned much.

But if they fixed it, how would you ignore the character interactions in favor of nitpicky and irrelevant background details?

How is it racist to recognize exactly what happens in a number of business/marketing dynamics? Hell, switch "black" and "white" with "gay" and "straight" and it could have worked for even more. Dwight may be out there, but he generally has a good understanding of the uncomfortable truths, and he's enough of a cynic

It's not really sudden though. He admitted to his father a while back that he wanted the life his dad had—wife, kids, house in the suburbs. That implies he'd been thinking about it for a while, maybe ever since he picked up the baby's sock at the end of the Not A Father's Day episode. The urgency comes from the

That seems unlikely.

To paraphrase, then:

George: I grew up Christian, went to Catholic school and everything. I now consider myself an agnostic/Deist (I got back and forth). I haven't been to church in years and have no interest in doing so. But when I got paired up with a born-again Christian at work a while back, I had some excellent discussions with him