
Best of luck, Anna! You will be sorely missed. And I promise to read your book as soon as this semester is over. I do wear the ring.

Diana Ross can do as she pleases. That said, at least it appears that she kept the seams under her feet.

Teased clip-in extensions over bump-its. Whatever she's doing it looks awesome.

According to the Atlantic article, she was a mess steward, which I'm guessing means she worked in the kitchen. It's still incredibly awesome that the last living WWI veteran was a woman, bringing to attention, once again, the contributions of women in the military from then to now.

When I was growing up, many, many moons ago, this was called "freak tag." Children explore their sexuality, and believe me, our parents were sometimes faced with having to explain that humping each other in the middle of the block was not appropriate. But "rape tag?" I just don't understand how kids could take up

Good to know!

Honey, I don't know, but I want to give you a big ol' hug, a hot toddy, and a voucher for a free mammogram. I wonder the same thing myself.

It still gets me that Robert Duvall was shoved in the back on the 2011 Hollywood issue. They have the freakin' consigliere to the Corleone family looking like a freakin' photobomb! If you're not beautiful, white, and YOUNG, you can't get on the cover. Simple as that. Bastards.

I really want to push the hair out of their eyes.

I did. I spent hundreds of dollars on dance shoes. They helped, but only so much. These are my favorite: []

Yeah, you're not. I had danced (salsa, ballroom) in 3-3.5" heels for years, and now I have arthritis and sesamoiditis because of it. The balls of my feet rebelled. On the rare occasion I wear heels anymore, it's still generally to dance and I max out at 2" heels.

I love so many women of network comedy. Liz Lemon and Gloria Delgado-Pritchett, in particular. These women gave me, "WHUCK?" and "air bunnies," respectively. Nothing but love.

And if that little black patch between the balls is supposed to be hair, someone failed. It looks more like a carbuncle.

With a name like Ralph, I'd assume he has a hairball problem. My apologies to anyone named Ralph. My brain belongs to a 12-year-old.

I will love you forever, simply for the phrase: "Easy peasy grilled...cheesy."

That's one of the saddest summaries I've ever read about anything, but yeah, that's basically what she said once you take out all the "likes."

Or his whole life of having a mother?