I mean, I made a bit player from 7th Heaven pose for a photo with me at a bakery. Some of us are just sadder in the evenings and we watch a lot of TV.
Elvin was a pretty consistent part of the show’s last 4-5 seasons. The Cosby Show was also, until a few years ago, frequently rerun. I certainly would have recognized him if I’d seen him.
Cliff and Claire tried to warn Elvin not to quit medical school to open that wilderness store.
My cat thinks those look delicious.
“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”
Aretha Franklin was notorious for being a controlling perfectionist.
Thoughts and prayers.
7. She goes to a Halloween party in blackface, and is shot by a cop who pulls her over for driving while black.
The rapper,
whosenew songfucking ruleswho is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,
Wait. If a woman's only job is to give birth to baby boys, then how would the world repopulate itself after the regular handmaids die off? Guy needs to learn sex ed.
Three kids, though... I hope they appreciate what mom did to support dad’s sobriety all these years.
Because he didn’t think the things he tweeted were problematic until there was backlash.
Who am I kidding? Half the fun is complaining once it goes off the rails. I’ll be watching!
The Mollie Tibbetts case, like the Shannan Watts case, like so heartbreakingly many others, is about male violence and entitlement. Period. It’s not about race. It’s not about immigration status. It’s not about ethnicity or faith. It’s about toxic maleness, and a culture that conditions men to dominate women through a…
One of her cousins called out people on Twitter for politicizing Mollie’s death and said something along the lines of how her family is not so ignorant that they would lump an entire group of people in with Mollie’s killer. Like, they are in mourning and at least one family member is begging people not to use this as…
Yep, it’s just like the trans-bathroom narrative thing— “women and girls are being sexually assaulted!” is the reason they’re giving, but they don’t give one single flying fuck about rape/sexual assault either. Unless it can be used for their purposes.
Exactly. It´s incredibly clear, especially when you hear their disdain for all of the women (and I’m not even really talking about celebrities, but all of the millions of normal, everyday women who spoke up and shared their own metoo stories on social media) who spoke up about their own sexual assault and harassment…