
The Emmys were right. TV has gotten good. I’m 12 years away from having a teen, but thanks, television, in advance.

My first comment was what is called a joke. I thought the ending comment made that clear.

So in carrier sliding doors, Serena may have been able to keep up with Blair, and Blake Lively could have been an Oscar winner?

Agree. I’ve done way lazier things than my c-section. Watching the Hills comes to mind.

Orphan Black? I thought it was pretty Canadian/Toronto based. I feel like they only started watering it down when Rob Ford was hitting the city hard. Who didn’t want some distance from that?

I remember sitting in a Women and Health class in university and the prof started one lecture by telling us, facetiously, that we, the mostly female class, were making a horrible mistake. We shouldn’t be sitting in a lecture hall, we should be out there making babies because these were our prime baby making years. I

Did she call him a pioneer for social injustice...?

A million stars.

Thisssssssssss. There is only Blair Waldorf.

Celine is so French Canadian... it doesn’t matter how long she’s gone... She is always our Queen.

I keep telling you Americans that we have stupid assholes up here too, but so many of you keep talking about moving up here...

My first question would be... Does he even know who RBG is? My guess is that someone had to tell him.

I have an older aunt who still talks about her friend who had an illegal abortion. The woman needed a colostomy bag for the rest of her life. Her health was permanently impacted by her government’s restriction of her access to a safe abortion.

They could have mixed it up. I assume they were following a partial template from the first film, which I think did the same thing? So yeah, they could have taken it a step further.

I’m sorry... did you just call her a good actress? And that her talents are established?

I don’t think it was the incest secret that got him killed, it was the threat to Joff’s legitimacy as king.

Again, it’s Westeros. Doesn’t seem to be a big deal in the Seven Kingdoms.

I thought Rhagnar was her brother, because her father was the Mad King... So that would make Jon Dany’s nephew not her cousin. Or am I mixing up the family?

Here’s a gross thought... except in Westeros... Sansa and Jon marry. It solidifies the Stark hold on the North. Plus they’re probably only cousins, and the place doesn’t seem to have a problem with incest.

haha. I thought it was a nice message. “Be a good dad... or look what shit can go down. Happy Father’s Day, Love GoT!!!”