Yes, there is something you can do for eyestrain - every twenty minutes focus on something twenty feet away for twenty seconds, also here's a site with additional tips:
Chris Martin is speaking Gobbeldygoop. Real world translation: "It's not's me."
Didn't he write about seeing his lady's brown stains on panties or something?
I cover anything with a camera, I also turn off microphones on my desktops and notebooks.
You changed the locks, that means he may know something is up. Please contact the police.
Christ in the desert! Call the police and show them the video.
She is a mean spirited, clueless shithead who, for some reason, needs to lash out and project her evil on to others. Calling her ignorant would be a compliment. I am so sorry for what happened to you and for all the times someone's malicious words bring all that hurt and anger and rage back to you. I hope you are…
Yes, the exercise is called the reverse-external-kegel.
Glad you're little one is doing well.
Thanks for this tip. We have a beagle and mr. lurking... allows him to go everywhere and sit/sleep on everything in the house. I'm constantly shaking out sheets, blankets and furniture covers to no avail. Can't wait to try this.
Too cute, with his pillow and blanket. Lucky dog!
Mmmmm, let it melt a bit and drink it through a Twizzler straw.
The Hilton - Ass Constant.
I know! I didn't read the article, just clicked on the clip and, a perfect finish to a great set.
I hear what you did there.
That's an adorable picture. You look very naturally pretty, warm and nice.
This movie is so fetch.