Also, if you have to find a person of color to validate whatever idea you have... stop! Back away slowly and forget about your plan. It was probably too racist of an idea to begin with.
Also, if you have to find a person of color to validate whatever idea you have... stop! Back away slowly and forget about your plan. It was probably too racist of an idea to begin with.
I have often said that I should start a business where white folks run their ideas by me and I tell them if the idea is going to get them dragged. I’d charge per project. “Should we move forward with this ad campaign that features a Black woman removing her dirty Blackness and becoming white?” would cost more than…
This is solid advice. May I add this to my upcoming “How to Be White (with a forward by Baratunde Thurston)?”
Here’s a simple solution; if you are not a person of color and decide you want to do something for or to a person who is, find another person of color and ask them if they think what you have planned is a good idea...if you’re apprehensive in seeking out another person of color to ask, then you already have your…
Well where’s the fun in that? No, far better to judge, snark and assume. The Hillary Outrage Factory™ Needs materials dammit.
Grabbed her by the pursey.
Melania knows. I wouldn’t be that surprised if Trump and Melania don’t have sex
Melania hearing her husband was - just one year into their marriage - having unprotected sex with Stormy Daniels has to be damn humiliating (and unconscionably risky to her).
trump just wrote her a check for another million to not talk. The problem for her is that he will probably cancel the check before she gets to cash it. By then the state of the uniom will have faded from memory as trump embarrasses America in new and undiscovered ways.
In the world of getting the right guest booking (and who’da thunk it), Wendy Williams outsmarted everyone today. She had the journalist, Jordi McGraw, who did the 2011 interview with Stormy Daniels, also interviewed two other sources and polygraphed all three (they all passed).
Daniels said she had “no further comment” on the matter
Sure, Jan.
Your mentality exhausts me.
I don’t think anyone is “calling” this person anti-black. She makes that explicit in the video. If it’s true that every black woman she meets dislikes her, maybe she should ask if the problem is her.
Miss.A.B. Thank you for your comment. This type of situation happens more often than we care to think. I’m 56 years of age. Quiet, black female. I’ve made it my business, to mind my business. I’ve been asked (by white women/men) “why are black women so confrontational? My reply, “You’re asking me?
*rubs temples*
The irony of the picture below tore a hole in reality.
She read as mixed-race Asian to me, but I didn’t hunt down her background because to me it read a little beside the point to me at the time (and, unless you can verify the subject’s race, it’s also the easiest way to make an unnecessary mistake). Her rant was clearly anti-black, and anti-blackness runs rampant in all…