
I kind of thought it looked like a funeral arrangement... Creepy...

As a currently pregnant woman my first thought was “wow that picture is stupid.”

Man, that bothers me too, I don’t think they need to match but they are on different planets. The veil reminds me of walking through a spiderweb

Imagine actually taking it: “More flowers. More. More. Hmmmmmmm. A veil? Perfect. Is my lipstick right? Fuck it, let’s do this.”

The combo of the bra and jean shorts looking underwear screams “Laughlin trash on a jet-ski vacation” to me and the veil is just bizarre. And I’m a legit Beyonce fan. It’s just the combo of randomness. And then then you throw in the prop flowers in the back?

Maybe it’s a clue: blue and pink

It’s unique, huh? The jort panties, the funeral wreath, the veil...

They don’t necessarily have to match but they don’t have to clash either.

It looks very religious. Something like these:

It’s nature, love. Flowers, foliage green veil, sky blue panties, earth brown bra, life in the belly... beautiful!

No idea, actually, but at least it’s a guess!

For me it’s the veil. Weird. Maybe a canopy over the scene or something, but why the veil directly on her head?

Apparently that is the THING right now, along with garters that don’t attach to anything. At least that is what my boudoir photography buddy tells me. “Very European,” she insists.

How is it possible for MOTHERFUCKING BEYONCE to take such a shitty JC Penney maternity photo?

Yeah, definitely got some ::head tilt:: action going on here at the pic.

It was… a choice.

The bra doesn’t have anything to do with the panty. I’m confused.

I’ve been looking at it for a minute trying to decide if it’s all just a joke and was totally suppose to be that awkward. Awkward family photos are basically an art form at this point.

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

Lol. This is on that Fox link, because Fox: Questions have been raised about the validity of Mike Hager’s claims that his mother died while waiting for approval to come to Michigan. FOX 2 news is working to resolve the questions about Hager’s story. We’ll update this page with further details.

Yes please.