
I would guess there’s a good chance that many of your friends have been, but will deny it. I learned not to discuss my assault with friends because of their reactions, and this is NOT something that just recently started happening. My assault was in the 90's, my mom’s was in the 70's, and my grandmother’s was in the

Oh it started long before then. We just didn’t talk about it as much.

It seems weird and for some reason I get pissed when I see others have such a lovely reception of this type of thing. I am what-jealous? I am angry. I don’t know. This shit is ugly in real life and all the women in my young life failed me when I needed them. I had no supporters and I was a villian-no a victim.

I had a sexual assault incident when I was a teenager. I was on vacation with my family in Florida. I walked on a beach at night eating a candy bar. I was 15 looking for a party I was invited to earlier that day while sitting on the beach. No one was on the beach except a man was sitting at the edge of the water. He

I don’t want to point out the obvious, but there’s no possible way you can prove that “Too many people in the federal government only have jobs there because they can’t cut it in the private sector.” Have you ever tried to get a fed job? It’s a PAIN-IN-THE-ASS process. 10x easier to get private sector work. Plus, if

I don’t really get why being considerate of others is something to be snarky about. It’s of no real consequence to me, while it might cause someone else to have a migraine, allergic reaction etc. Why would I purposely do something that I know might cause discomfort to others if it has no effect on me?

IMO, this was an outlier. Last week’s show was outstanding and shone a light on state anti-abortion tactics that are not getting mainstream attention. Let’s see what happens next week. I really think this one was an outlier.

It's not just a waste of resources - it's putting the people in the house at real risk, since you've got a bunch of heavily armed cops who think that someone there is a real threat.

This is one of my biggest issues with the GOP. They want a businessman to run government (see: Romney). But you objectively don’t want government run as a business. Business exist to generate profit for shareholders. Government exists to guarantee the rights and health of the governed. There is very little overlap

LOL I run around a small lake in the mornings and some walkers going the opposite way leave a cloud of horrid perfume smell in their wake. I have to give them a wide berth when I pass them. Can’t BREATHE!!!!

I really love perfume, but I’m basically to the point where I’m not sure where I’d even wear it. While I may love a scent, I don’t want to cause someone else with scent sensitivities to have a bad time.

And also, the government is not a business and should not be run as such. Consider the implications of the “savings” generated by using a different water source for Flint, Michigan...

Women can be capable is the entirety of feminism! The whole point of the feminist movement is that women are treated as lesser people and are incapable of accomplishment without men. They are paid 70% less than a man because society believes that they accomplish 70% less. They are constantly told that they can’t do a

Well, since you said you want the hate:

Well, I mean, yeah, sex slavery is kind of over-the-top evil. It’s also a real thing that is happening to tens of thousands of women in the actual world as you read these words. What’s the last wide-release movie, action or not, that even acknowledges this? What was the last major film that touched on the reality of

Best Picture should be about the artistry of the film itself, not about timely external issues. As a piece of artwork, regardless of your characterization of it as a popcorn flick (which I find condescending, frankly), it was still a far better piece of art than Spotlight, which was bland and not particularly

I’d say Fury Road had at least as much depth as most of the other nominees. But it respects the audience’s intelligence more than many of them, because it allows the viewer to find its themes for themselves rather than slapping you across the face with them.

You’re searching for answers from art; art rarely has “answers” but they do have symbolism and meaning and infinite ways of conveying those messages. In any case, films and art in general is always crippled method of having nuanced discussions of complicated matters, those are best understood in books, documentaries

The movie was maybe a perfect representation of a feminist film in that there was a wide range of roles for women of all ages and all over the scale from masculine to feminine qualities, all demonstrating agency within their situation. Furiosa and the badass motorcycle gang of women are what we’re more used to seeing

I’m sure the 2016 Oscars will FINALLY force the Catholic Church to change their ways, it has to be the biggest thing that has ever happed to them in their brief 2000 year history. It definitely won’t be forgotten about by weeks end.