He’s absolute my amazing. He owns exactly what he’s doing, and that’s making utter shite but entertaining movies in which doesn’t have to do much in the way is acting.
He’s absolute my amazing. He owns exactly what he’s doing, and that’s making utter shite but entertaining movies in which doesn’t have to do much in the way is acting.
I thought Sin City worked pretty decently as over the top Noir pastiche... and then I realized that he was deadly serious and probably doesn’t understand the concept of pastiche.
Alanis (unsuccessfully) tried to emulate Buffy Sainte-Marie, who is still bloody excellent.
The SF/F fandom term for that is discovering something you loved in the past has been visited by “the suck fairy”.
WWE and certain types of manga and anime (not even getting into the smutty stuff). Kaiju, Mecha ... Dragonball... stuff with fan service and you are talking actual guilt... Any western comics written in the ‘90s that featured too many pouches / too few feet, and spines/boobs that don’t work that way, or any comics…
A person is still dead, and he’s the one who did it. And there’s a reason why not all crimes have statutes of limitations . . . of course, one of the main reasons for statutes of limitations is that after a certain amount of time it becomes much much more difficult to successfully prosecute. Not because the person who…
Especially if you really like beer.
How about a guy who did one stupid-as-fuck murder at a party when he was 21?
I can see how Harry Potter would have blurred the line as it started pretty clearly middle grade but the later books were definitely YA. But middle grade books are still a thing. They’re not quite the marketing behemoth of YA (probably because you’re going to get a lot fewer adults reading middle grade), but they are…
Considering they’re children’s books, juvenile is a feature, not a bug. :p Although I have to note that Taran Wanderer deals with failure and existential angst in a much more mature way than many many adult books.
Get your kid German lessons. German universities are starting to re-introduce fees for non-EU students, but they’re still like €1,500 a semester.
I think you may need to go all the way back to Piers Plowman to find an unbesmirched Piers. Because what Anthony hasn’t been gross all over, Morgan has.
Nah, Mary Gentle.
I vaguely recall Terry Brooks being at least more readable than Terry Goodkind.
I’m less sure about the movie as a whole (because I haven’t watched it in full for ages), but in isolation “They’re headbanging to Bohemian Rhapsody” just works. It’s like a generational shibboleth, and it encapsulates so much while happily making fun of the idea of taking that kind of thing seriously.
In which case, it’s easily handwaved by, “she heard the radio playing at some point since landing back on Earth” since the song was out in ‘92 and got pretty heavy play for years from what I remember.