
As an old big sister and babysitter who’s changed plenty of diapers in the past and taught some new-moms a bit about baby poop, she’s talking utter shit. Babies who haven’t started on solids yet may have mustard poop, but it’s still poop. In fact, they make up for the fact that it’s not yet solid by occasionally

Me too. Irish funeral traditions are a fucking long, drawn out ordeal of awfulness.

Considering the Irish wake is part of the long drawn out chain of ceremony including visitation of the body in the home (or funeral home for the moderns) (this is when the wake generally happens because people are going in and out of the house for hours on end and someone breaks out the alcohol at some point), removal

Considering we aren’t indebting our descendants to have chapels built to pay for future priests to still be reciting masses for us 500 years from now, I’m not exactly going to get too upset about the excesses of the current funeral industry. It seems to me we’re consistently getting less excessive, more practical, and

And they recreated the Dubrovnik look by building a set in Belfast. Which makes tourism to see it along with a bunch of other filming locations in Northern Ireland a lot easier.

You were misled. The TV show has the advantage of breezing through interminable turgid filler and omniscient breasts.

She’s good in some things I’ve seen but remarkably wooden in others and it’s not just the script. I suspect she works better with some directors than others.

“We had the universe of options for designing the unique culture and style of blue skinned aliens from a high gravity planet and decided they should look like they take hairstyling tips from Taylor Swift” would be another form of “you had one job...”.

Dianne Feinstein didn’t disclose the allegations in July and instead passed the allegations to the FBI for investigation because she knew exactly how difficult it would be for Dr. Blasey Ford. Acting like this is a “both sides” issue is disingenuous and dishonest.

I’m leaving it open that there’s a plot-based reason for her to have one of the most stereotypical white girl celebrity hairstyles of the 2010s in the 1990s. You may have noticed that my other comments suggest possible time-travel plot elements, considering there is a sci-fi element.

I’d love that. If she’s young enough they wouldn’t even have to worry too much about casting pre-actual Ms Marvel movie.

Oh, I’m totally excited about the movie.

Rumor is they’re totally setting up to add Kamala Khan into the MCU.  :D

Yes. When a production completely fails on the mundane details like that, it’s like stubbing your toe just as you’re about to take a big leap for willing suspension of disbelief.

I’m holding out hope that there’s a time-travel element. Because the beachy waves were mega-distracting, and hair and makeup should know better. It’s not like getting the dress silhouette 20 years off for a 19th century period piece, plenty of Millennials are old enough to remember ‘90s hair.

Little details like that are the difference between being convincing and throwing people out of their willing suspension of disbelief because a simple and obvious detail is just wrong and sticks out like the proverbial sore thumb.

I just got distracted by the very very 2010s ‘beachy’ waves. I hope there’s a plot-based reason for it, because there’s no excuse for hair and makeup to not know what the ‘90s looked like.

Also, class, heteronormativity, post-war Jewish identity . . .

It’s a regional chain, not national. It’s mostly in the Midwest.