
Motherfucker has to base his self worth on accomplishments that he had fuck-all to do with.

Right. Because the current president wasn’t elected based on the fact that he told white people it wasn’t their fault for being total losers and unable to get good paying jobs. It was the job of immigrants and undocumented people. If it weren’t for them, then they would actually be somewhere. Apparently, you haven’t

Ironically, Mississippi took part in a war to keep them here.

you truly think I give a shit what some faceless poster “thinks” about me?

This must kill you getting trounced on a public board

Says you, who lost the argument

Nope. Still not wrong. The study that you cited defines serial killers as “The unlawful killing of two more more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events, which was a definition used by the FBI at a symposium in 2005, and also does not take into account motivation. Pretty much every other expert out

I love how mature and badass you are.

Why am I even arguing

Lmao. This one’s you

Man, I love when shitty trolls have to fall back on sweet, sweet semantics. I just assumed your butchering of the English language was cause you’re ignorant, but it was actually a clever rhetorical strategy! And I am trying so hard to win this very official and structured debate we’re having, because I respect you so!

In normal arguments it’s called “supporting data”


my initial point I made was that AAs made up a very small segment of the population yet commit almost the same amount of violent crime as one that is more than SIX TIMES the population.

I don’t think sites write articles, I think the humans write articles and post them on sites. The internet! So many tubes.

English is my second language, technically. Which already puts me miles ahead of most Middle-America conservatives, who are functional illiterates.

If anyone knows me I post about cows....

You seem fun.