
I agreed with almost NOTHING in this piece. . Just wow. Sometimes I truly wonder about the Root and if this is serious commentary or is the Root out there hiring writers that are actually capable of a good commentary or if this is just a high school kids Instagram comment come to life as an online newspaper.

Who actually uses words like “cuck”? It’s so fucking lame. No wonder, you guys have to stalk black people. How else would you know how to sound cool or not? We brought culture to this country. Shut the fuck up and learn how to say thank you.

I don’t even know what the hell that is. But I have a job. The fact that you know where preteens would be posting this stuff lets me know that you ARE one. Isn’t it dinner time? Your mom is calling you. She’s serving the usual. Meth and cookies.

says the person who keeps responding. You’re obviously in need of some attention.

So that’s what you had for breakfast. Meth.

Right. Because the current president wasn’t elected based on the fact that he told white people it wasn’t their fault for being total losers and unable to get good paying jobs. It was the job of immigrants and undocumented people. If it weren’t for them, then they would actually be somewhere. Apparently, you haven’t

OH MY GOD! THE HYPOCRISY! How do you think Trump got in office? A bunch of whiny ass fucking white people who believed that evil foreigners were coming here, like those South Asians you were so kind to mention, are taking all the jobs that they aren’t close to being qualified or educated enough to do! LMAO! You’re

Owned? Look at your own stupid statistics. Whites lead in nearly every freaking category like RAPE, ASSAULT, ARSON, AGAIN DUI IS NEARLY AN ALL WHITE CRIME, AGGRAVATED assault, MAN THAT IS AN EXHAUSTING LIST.....You do know that those are arrests as well. NOT convictions. Not everyone that is arrested is charged. Not

Wait Black people are responsible for 50% of crime? Are you sure about that? Look up the actual statistics. White people commit more crime. You also do more mass murders, genocide, DUIs is nearly an all white crime, arson, fraud, you’re more likely to sexually assault children/elderly (disgusting), and much more.

You’re so educated and intelligent and yet the biggest insult you could come up with was “dumb cow”. Actually Asians far outpace Whites in intelligence, wealth, and education. I’d call you out of your name, but I’m too intelligent for that.

Uh no he wasn’t.

Something in the water aint clean....this makes no sense.

Not really.

Something is not adding up here. Why is this coming out now? This is nonsense. please don’t believe everything you read. The story isn’t right. The police already stated that there was nothing found on the computer, in the house, period. Nothing. So this story is suspect. I’m not jumping to conclusions like some of