I vote for healers. Always. Even healers in the other team.
I vote for healers. Always. Even healers in the other team.
Don't worry, Patrick. I sometimes star myself in Kinja.
Rule #1 of overwatch: ALWAYS vote for yourself.
Let’s see, FFVII had 1 main game, 3 spin-offs, was referenced/camoed in all 7 KH games, had characters in 4 fighting games, had a movie and OVA, was rereleased on PS4 just last year, is getting a HD remake, AND YOU CAN’T RECOGNIZE ONE OF THE PRINICIPAL CHARACTERS?!?!?!
oh wow. I mean, I’m not judging, but it is sort of sad that you don’t recognize one of the best known video game characters of the 90s. Makes me feel super old to be honest
Maybe you should find another gaming site. You do not belong here.
Really? Wow...
This game looks stupid and I’m tired of hearing about it every other day. Fuck you and fuck this game.
It is exactly that. Unfunny and sad.
Do people find the manchild-husband/ballbreaking-wife dynamic funny? It always seems lame, as a comedy bit. As a personal arrangement it just seems...sad.
No no no, silly woman. Don’t get hysterical. This is all just about mental illness. Not everything is misogyny. These men, while rapists and murderers, certainly weren’t misogynistic. No, to admit they were is a bridge too far and unfairly besmirches them. They never admitted they killed women because of sexism. And…
I don’t fucking care. I knew the details before I made a comment and before a deadspin update. You were trying to make an appeal-to-the-masses, generic, anti gun comment and failed. It’s ok bro....
Come on, dude. I’m sure it didn’t hurt being able to also throw it into the title of your article and get those clicks, though. Exploiting stupid comments from internet dipshits for self-promotion and clicks does not equate to actual intent of publicizing a serious issue.
Bingo. This girl deserved to have someone read her the riot act. Just because it was a guy doesn’t mean it’s suddenly a feminist meme.
which also included a side of mansplaining NYPD officer, because of course:
Who is the gun nut in this story?
The dead guy was actively kicking in doors of apartments that weren’t his in the wee hours of the morning.
Yeah I know, real pity when you have to protect yourself from someone who kicks in the door of your home at 3 in the morning.
According to a report obtained by the Dallas Morning News, Dallas police officers responded to a call about a shooting at an apartment at about 3:20 a.m. Saturday morning. The resident of the apartment said an individual had kicked open his front door and entered his apartment. The resident, who had been asleep,…