Basis seems to be “threaten a suit that would get laughed out of court because the defendants can’t afford it”
Basis seems to be “threaten a suit that would get laughed out of court because the defendants can’t afford it”
Diversity for the sake of diversity is going to be the death of all industries.
How about “because increasing representational diversity in fictional universes such as comics and video games is not a meaningful way to create actually meaningful social justice in the real world and the obsessive focus on same distracts us from the interests of actually-existing humans from marginalized…
Of all the things to be gleeful about, assaulting a minimum wage worker (I presume) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve seen all week.
“No need for a concealed carry permit.”
What is the point of this? Is this surprising? Gun sellers are ultimately salespeople.....they are trying to sell you stuff.
So you’re saying criminals should not be in jail?
Another stupid gimmick. As far as stupid gimmicks go this may be the best fucking one yet.
What's the difference. It's a night club. Gay people or straight people could be in there. Sounds selfish to me. Humans lost their lives. That's what matters here. Labels don't matter. Just like when news story's say a black man or white woman in stead of man or woman. Who cares if they are gay, black, white, yellow,…
But can you ride horses?!
I think they are just demonstrating the feature. I don’t imagine they’ll really change in mid-battle.
Adult babies. People with this fetish aren’t interested in children, they’re interested in acting like children. You need to chill because they're harmless.
That’s a wager with long odds.
“If you have sex with me you’ll be the coolest girl in school.” Also not rape.
Read. The. Whole. Post.
If you don’t want to have sex with someone, don’t do it. Don’t do it for money, don’t do it for a job, don’t do it in the hopes they will like you. No need to feel bad or violated by it, just don’t do it.