
Whoops! I’m on it.

You’re painting with a pretty broad brush there. There are certainly a small subset of entitled, evil people out there, but I do not believe there is a huge push from they pedophile community for decriminalization of child molestation. I’ve read multiple articles from journalists and in the mental health community

Read some undercover account of where these poor kids come from. Turns out, many of them were born into it. Pedophiles apparently meet and knock each other up with the intention of birthing children they can then rape or pimp out.

I can appreciate the effort that went into this. But these folks aren’t true fans, right? They’re just professional Cosplayers.

I think if you’d read the article, and seen that not only was water leaking in but the owner was 10 days from trashing them, that “saved” is very appropriate.

this is a very British Uncharted story.

Perfect gif

We’ll be sad together. Our journey into space must be delayed yet again. :(

If you don’t like exploration for exploration’s sake, don’t bother with this game. It’s an exploration orgasm and not much else. I’m stoked for it, but I’m the guy that quits playing an MMO as soon as I’ve seen the whole map.

Seriously though I was just looking for upcoming games to buy and I was like “oh snap No Man’s Sky comes out next month?!?” Why would they wait until relatively the last moment to postpone it?

Me too. I scheduled a couple of vacation days around the release date for it. Silly, I know, but I love me some genuine space exploration games.

As a walking simulator fan I already accept the amount of resentment this game is going to receive upon release. If all I get is exploring random planets, I’m getting the dream I want. If I get more, it’s a bonus. I don’t understand why you would set the bar any higher than that considering what has been shown of the

They commit the smallest of baller crime.

Isn’t this still being made by a notoriously small dev team? I feel like people are starting to jump the gun in worrying if it’s going to be a disappointment without acknowledging this.

This has just ruined my day/week/month/(hopefully not)year. :(