
It sounds like she was in contempt of court, though. I know that usually is applied to disruptive defendants and witnesses, but is there any reason it couldn’t be applied to an attorney, if she continually interrupted the judge?

Regardless of how you feel about Bastion, I think we can all agree that the memes are hilarious

As a non-white guy, I don’t get what the big deal is here.

The world has a disease, it’s called humans.

Comment of the however-long-before-the-sun-becomes-a-supergiant.

I spent a while trying to think of something to say about this, but all it came out were sighs and facepalming.

To be fair to that last comment, I do wish I could mod it so my Imperium of Woman didn’t have any men in it. Alas I have to just enslave or purge my male pops. You know what they say, “Suffer not the Xenos, the Heretic, or the Man to live”.


The word “brave” gets thrown around entirely too much nowadays.


I don’t know that it’s “incredibly brave” for an adult man to speak vaguely about abuse that occurred to his childhood peers, but it’s definitely good of him to do so.

I still think Warhammer has been magnificentyl shorted in terms of video game.

This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?

I enjoyed the beta, as with Overwatch’s, but these games became boring pretty quick. I don’t really have a problem with multiplayer only games (not quite the case with Battleborn), but they just have so little content in them. I’ll just pass on this growing trend and leave it to those that do enjoy it.

I thought that was game art for a second. This makes me want a Witcher movie. Great job.

Snarky commenters have been asking this question since September of 2014, and the answer is always yes.

Doom Guy has always been overpowered...could run at 60mph, and punch zombie heads off even without a Berserker Pack. This one actually moves slower.

My original post was going to be: “Who got HALO in my Doom”, but it seemed too easy.

Cause its master chief.. look at the armor! Thats not Doom guy its a freaken Spartan IV