
If it’s bad regardless why don’t each get their own article?

And...? Why is one transgender person more important then say a straight cis male that got raped just as many times?

Why do you feel you don’t need a sense of humor?

Wow you sound dumb.


Yea, this is ridiculous. I hope it’s a joke, cause then it would actually be funny.

You’re thinking too hard.

Anyone who thinks this is somehow against trans people are assuming just that. There is absolutely no clear reference to her meaning this is specifically about being trans. More over reaction.

Yea, not to mention this doesn’t denote any legit reference to being trans.

Dang, objectivism, like an endangered animal you are.

Oh no, female characters are being treated like characters in which they die for entertainment value, and story. WTF?>!

You mean the web we want policed for unkind language. Fuck that shit. Fuck policing language. Fuck your safe space. This has everything to do with setting precedence for universal moral language. Fuck that.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh this must hurt for some of you, oh I love when this happens.

This game is really addicting, I don’t like MOBA’s but this has a lot of elements I like as far as ditching the wonky characters and instead giving me awesome array of ships to use, and up grade. It’s fun for short bursts.

You are an idiot.

I’d say a bit more then decent.

Yea the fact my lover could crush my skull isn’t a turn on.

BURN superior nerd knowledge!

I just picture all these fucked up dudes bringing their sex bots leaking with cum to battle in underground sex bot fight clubs.

Hah, perfect. I’d enjoy a Jude Law sex bot.