
I’m surprised there wasn’t a straight up argument against it for its inevitable ultimate low of creating child sex robots, most likely black market, as I can easily see that being banned through legislature, hopefully, ugh sex robots, wtf! I would just be too scared that the eyes would turn read, and suddenly it’s

Ugh, I don’t want one assholes!

This already look 10 times better then the force awakens. I’m all in for this one, I don’t know if I want her to hit me in the face, or kiss me. Maybe both.

Really? I could think of some fucked up shit to laugh at if you’d like.


Man, just what I needed to hear how hard it is being famous and beautiful, she’s just like us!

I do see the problem, he answered it honestly. Big fucking deal.

So a man that was told to put his hands against the wall, reached down for a gun, had a gun in his hands to hand it to his wife without officer permission. Come on, his wife even said don’t do that, you are going to get shot.

Awesome, I stopped playing, but now I will play again.

Me too!



Today you win. Pat yourself on the back, go ahead, you deserve it.

Even if it’s the liberal end of the internet demanding they fire someone who by popular demand of liberal views is doing something racist, sexist, etc.?

Because she likes it, duh.

I think at this point I’d rather see crappy cosplay.

I keep trying to say it that the youth has already begun by generation becoming exponentially more intelligent then the generations before, especially the older more “mature” generations. Soon infants will rule the planet and some humans will be bred to be “adult” care keepers for the super powerful infantile

Hah, fair share. That is a hilarious term.

Ooh well fuck me, I guess I’ll just start investing in tampons so other people don’t need to take responsibility for their own hygienic needs, and financial responsibilities to buy their own shit.

Where’s all the ugly fat activists? Oh wait, they don’t want them on the covers.