Why on earth would you ask the likes of these knuckle heads, ask a fucking professional. Jeez this does not bode well for your mothering skills.
These fans are little bitches.
Are these women fucking serious with this shit? You really didnt think the the official complaint would be available during trail? You didnt think your memory would be questioned? Wow, just wow. Ugh, I just cant stand this lack of any common sense or pragmatiam of how the justice system works. The most very basic…
Grow up.
Im more flabbergasted that anyone thought it would turn out any other way. If you blame the judge you are a fool, and are too stuck in your victim support. These victims screwed themselves in the legal sense. They have only their own poor testimony to blame.
It isn’t under the guise of anything, it clearly states they did it to flex power, and are not being quiet about that fact.
Yea.... I did not like Age of Ultron at all, I have a feeling I won’t like this either, the one thing I keep saying is I can always rely on the Captain America movies, cause they are dope as shit from the get go, the only ones that haven’t let me down.
I love corpses and heart attacks! I think those are some of the best features in that they add a great layer of strategy. After starting a few new games I finally got into my groove which makes it necessary to create multiple teams and level them up back and forth so you have a fall back. Not to mention there are…
Ugh, so much reading....
Oh god, who cares about that ass in our face, I love that tourist dad, and chubby son holding hands! They are the true hero of NY.
Ugh I went for a jog and immediately after got stoned, again, and almost ate a whole box of cookies.
They don’t do anything, they get hung on a wall. Those are absolutely unusable in a real kitchen setting.
Ugh.....So it’s decretive right?
I guess those girls lost their jobs too, no more future opportunities from Microsoft.
Anyone stop to think she did it? Weirder things have happened.
Eh only got through a few episodes, fucking sucks.
I’m not surprised felons aren’t allowed.
News headline reads: Person Found Dead Strapped To VR Unit.