
Bet you won't hear the black person taking the fifty bucks for doing a white persons hair complaining.

No it’s not.

Did anybody really think it was just gonna go along into a new age of acceptance and equality without a tooth and nail fight from the old guard? I do love optimistic people, they make such easy targets for I told you so.

Lol, what a joke, when it gets to the real number its redacted, oh Jezebel, you always amuse me with your attempts at journalism.

Your first statement means absolutely nothing, nor do the rest of your words. You should work on thinking before you write. The issue is one of personal choice of career and how to represent ones self. Has nothing to do with a greater issue. If it does, it’s entirely within the head of the individual. Stop standing up

Yea, I don’t buy the pressure argument, that only takes away from personal responsibility. No one forced her to enter this form of work, if she felt she needed to use this form of expression using her body to get what others get through personality and work towards skill, well that’s all on her. To blame others or

It’s fucking show business! That is the very point of her endeavor, to gain notoriety by using her body, which she admits her self was something that was unhealthy for her in body and mind, it is persona!

What a tired and useless article. This should be filed under LOGIC. This whole experience is tantamount to a ballet dancer becoming a stripper. She chose the easiest, quickest, and cheapest path to gain attention on a stage based on viewership. How is this even interesting? How is it somehow surprising that she grew

If that is all that matters then I see no point to the article to begin with. This would seem a logical point to get to after experiencing the strain of creating an unrealistic persona for the very purpose of receiving more attention, not based on personality, or skill, but how one looks. Perhaps she learned a

Aw, someone realized that no one is taking them serious, while also not respecting themselves by creating an unrealistic persona for attention...hmm who would of thought it would turn out this way?


Duh...not sure this requires a whole article, kinda felt like a common sense thing.

Yea, the article doesn’t know how long, so hold on to that unmitigated rage and point it down. “several minutes” is no exact time, and really there is no time reference at all in this bullshit guilt bate story.

Shut up hippie.

You fucking drunk.

Yea I’m not gonna stop and join a prayer session over a dying boy either, this is bullshit guilting if I ever saw it. First of all, what the fuck are those people supposed to do?! Just all stop and get to watch? They don’t have medical skill, and everything that medical responders tell you is to pretty much to wait

Hell yes!

Seriously, this game is fucking awesome.

Fuck it only took me over an hour to create an up play account, then I couldn't be activated or whatever...But, finally playing, and love this fucking game, especially the multiplayer team up stuff, fucking fun!

Good that game series sucked.