
All you had to say was Trion Worlds and I knew this game was not to be touched. They swore up and down that Archeage wouldnt be pay2win, then immediately launched the game with everything crippled by a pay wall, and the best items coming from Gachapon-style cash shop items. Not only that, they allowed hackers and

i’m exaggerating a bit but, for me, that ‘process’ looked a bit like this!

It’s very much worth the hassle. Honestly though, the fact that these weapons are simply time-locked releases is extremely dissapointing.

Too late, I’m on the Bungie forums, and this was all over the place! At least with that one it looks like it’s a glitch at the moment (most likely something you can access later when it’s the daily story mission, so I’m not quite as stressed with trying to get it done.

Yeah, I usually leave those opening gags to Mr. Schreier. Though I DO find myself using them more and more...

I still consider Shivering Isles to be hands down, the best DLC ever produced by Bethesda and even eclipses Oblivion in many ways. Also shits all over Skyrim and its DLC.(though Dragonborn was pretty badass, but that was mainly nostalgia from Bloodmoon)


And how do you know all the victims involved in this illegal DOX were cheating? And even if they were why is that anyone’s business but their own?

I’m sorry, but reaction time, patience, and the ability to keep calm in a stressful situation are all very useful things for someone to work on. Being able to build a robot is a great skill, but that’s not what the challenge is, is it?

Alt lede: The new expansion pack for Destiny, a video game whose existence is only justified by its raids, won’t have a raid.

Completely agree. The Raid must be good and not broken. But this trailer was only a tease.

Yeah i think everyone agrees that VoG is waaaaaay more fun then Crota. Crota is just so straight foward. I enjoy doing it every week on 3 characters but VoG is way more fun. Heres to hoping the best for the new raid in HoW. OMG that queen is so sexy though

Agreed. I believe bungie learned the hard way from Crota’s End about design. VoG had so much depth to its design, it was severely lacking in Crota’s End.

Cue everyone talking about how bad Destiny is.


Isn't it? I thought I'd be fine, but after watching it twice my stomach was doing backflips.