
Plus and then minus for a map ping :)

“ + " and then " - " for a map ping. You are welcome :) 

Yay!! Been playing these ever since going commando released. I am hoping it doesn't get delayed probably in a good routine with the pandemic so they can estimate better. Fingers crossed either way can't wait

This has been happening noticeably since cyberpunk launched. My right stick drifts up slighthy (as of now). At that point I played demon souls for 25 hours and astro playroom for 6 before playing cyberpunk on release before I noticed issue....

You can adjust vibration and trigger intensity under gameplay I believe

Since you do not raid or do mythic plus much you may not see the biggest problem that people are raging over and that’s gear drops. Do the full 10 raid bosses be lucky if you get 1 piece of gear. I’ve killed world bosses each week past t6 or 7 weeks now. Nothing but gold. They nerfed time walking.

They know we have been asking for this since we played the alpha and beta good thing it only took a year or more to finally the give us the most requested thing

Where The hell is the new content announcements we were already playing a new DLC last December and by now things have felt quite stale. They still won’t give us the other 5 strikes from year 1 instead were forced to run the same five strikes over and over until the end of time unless we run the level 20 strikes but

You can actually see your money’s worth. The yearly events change and they add substantial patches. Unlike other MMOs that never changed year in and out

Now there is Lord of Verminion which is like a mini RTS with minions. I would advise not using thaumaturge it is the most basic and boring of all classes. If you like magic go with Arcanist because then at level 30 you get a free healer class that levels up with you.

Its theme song is super catchy. Just wish we didn't have to wait until March for more

I just feel if you’re focusing on the past you are not moving forward

all of the other dlc has been 1 megabyte on ps 4 even the conspiracy missions lol that’s obviously wasn’t on the disc which was surprising

you can drive on the side of the road to smash all the lights and stuff for the destruction trophy and surprisingly it's actually a lot easier

I sometimes yell out henshin a gogo baby if I'm about to jump into an action sequence. people in party chat normally say what the hell lol

touch of malice and blessings of light for Titan bubble on the top platform for the death slingers makes for a deadly combo. that the two floats deal with the fourth knight. rockets for add control and the knights that spawned then snipers for ogres and the shade. the difference between 3 11 and under is significant

You would think but at the moment nothing else is left from inital Taken King datamine. This FWC quest was the last classified quest line..dead orbit and new monarchy did not have similar questlines

No everything stays when you switch. if your rank 3 with fwc it only shows up when you pledge

bring a great sniper for the last part. doesnt matter how many times you die, just get your shots off. Now I just need my first curse

3rd season of digimom was different but still good. Calumon, Guilmon and Terriermon were awesome digimon! after that though...not so much