
I know! My comment was a good 5 hours before they made the no raid announcement

No kidding man! Your comment was 12 hours after he wrote the article and a good 6 hours before they announced no raid.

the legendary ring procs look awful, but maybe that’s just me. It only seems Beneficial in a large raid group, and basically useless for any solo content

Yes this is an old article!

This article was from this morning... Before the announcement

This article was from this morning...Before the announcement

If anything it’s a giant sphere with no places to hide or attempt to cheese

I just respawn the pursuer by leaving immediate area. Apparently those encounters he always drops twinkling titanite

That was a pretty cool trailer though. So much better then eris. It feels like the queens event should have come after that cutscene. At least then it would of made sense why all her bounties were killing fallen specifically

I think by gimmicks you mean raid mechanics which VoG had, while crota had the bridge section if you can even consider that. If you don’t want gimmicks stick with strikes!

I really really hope the raid in HoW is as awesome as vault of glass was. I don’t expect much on terms of story missions, but if this raid isn’t great then definitely not buying any other expansions they release this year

Make a back up save first. Equip gear to give you highest beasthoodnumber and rune for temporary boost. Eat a beast pellet while in two handed beast claw mode then spend all 99 insight at once. I only had 60 insight and it got the bar 3/4_ full. Don’t know what happens if you max it

It gets praised for the precise and fair combat. It’s tough if you try to be greedy with your hits

I think the game needed some bat type airborne enemy battles, but maybe thats just me

I hope if they do dlc then they add some van helsing type monsters. I love the game and all but they reskin enemies in the end it’s a real shame.

Everything from in game text led me to believe you could transform. Then I googled it and was disappointed.

Doesn’t work about 20% of the time

I can’t help but miss soapstones more than anything in bloodborne. It at least made it somewhat mangible with calling out to others for assistance.

Did demon souls?

Mike can you pretty pretty please with sugar on top, do a quick article about the other optional boss game breaking bug. It’s an elevator bug where if you use a hunter’s Mark, get summoned, or don’t send the elevator up @ the Lumenflower lift it gets stuck at the bottom. This prevents a fight with an optional boss who