
Everything but their Home consoles wind up flopping. they should take that money and make a quality playstation network instead of creating ps vita and ps tv for the sake of name brand marketing

it seems like all developers rushed to bave their game out in time for October/ November and almost all of the required fixing.

You owe it to anyone considering buying based of your suggestions that you are offering a product that nintendo says would void the warranty, regardless of your opinion that Nintendo would never know.

You owe it to anyone considering buying based of your suggestions that you are offering a product that nintendo says

I completely agree with this article. I just stopped playing it. Last time xur sold heavy was five Fridays prior. Bungie has slowly decreased the frequency of xur selling heavy. its utter madness that it costs 5 black wax idol for one meager heavy synthesis. You could get 2000 glimmer easy of the one idol. So when you

I completely agree. it's all about swueezi every nickel and dime now.

which good companies haven't released a game that charges money for quicker gain these days, specifically?

To be fair you chose to look and copy but you do have valid points

"Drep breaths John, listen to the soothing river music." Lmfao I lovr this trailer. Thank you for the post!

I'd like to thing of it as an investment for quality work if you buy something from LoL with $$$

Same cost as wow mount. Not entirely surprising, but the costs are absurd none the less

Two player online co op had no issues in 3 hour session. It actually makes the game a lot more enjoyable with Just one other person and the ability to teleport

remember they patched the loot cave because they didn't want people doing the same Thing over and over because it wasn't fun... Even though that's literally all Destiny has to offer

I would bet they'll do an unrelated hotfix and all of a sudden it'll start dropping. Same thing happened with husk of the pit.

I've given up on saying it correctly. Every time I say yahl-lahr-hawrn people have no idea what I'm referring to -_-

Nice work!

How do you deal with the immune blue swordbearer who camps the bottom room?

I think you meant None of your devices will wait instead of want

That got me upset as well. All my time on 360 now on Ps4. Awesome

Didn't he refer to it as pay to win in his tweet contradicting all Sony has stated?

Gjhallorjorn is still better imo. It does an extra 10% to a single target. Only gun that does over 360 base damage.