
The part that really got me pissed was the Urn Bounty from Xur. I go through the entire process to be awarded freaking 33 light gloves. What did everyone buy first on Tuesday and Wednesday because it didn't require a commendation.... Boots and GLVOES. why make this a Xur specific quest if all it gives you are gloves

you can get light level 33 gear now from.the vault of glass. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS THROW IN AN EXTRA UPGRADE TIER. It could even have required a mix of old.and new shards. You could have put in only 40 hours or 800 hours and youdbe in the exact same boat when the patch hits. Also CROTAS END ONLY DROOS LEGENDARY RAID

Right on!

icebreaker sucks. And especially so in this raid.

It's a lot of data to leave behind but good theory. Japan gets so many events while US gets practically nothing. All of the special events get reserved from them. Nintw keeps adding more "exclu legendaries" but doesn't take the time to redistribute

well we can use their past as judgement. The only thing missing to trigger shaymin and arceus events is one key item Nintendo distributes. one video shows if you can walk through walls event still happens.

I don't understand the thou process behind locking them out. It's shocki to see how many more events Japan is given than America (even if American copy has code) I don't blame people for hacking.

all of the content is for each of those version specific legendarys. The mystery gifts or wonder cards are one time keys to access the content on system. The hackers dig these files from the actual game files...

I'd say that's even worse having limited access to event. All of the info pertaining to the pokemon and in game events are "on the disc". If you do not or cannot access the limited time event you become locked out of content actually within the game. Even worse they'll sometimes limit it to japan or EUR only. Celebii

Can't it just be banned from any ranking matches?

Now playing

What about the new hoopa info found in oras?

I lose sound after bringing up radial menu with L1 then resuming game. The sound doesn't come back until I repeat the action. Somethimea I lose my pointer in conversations and toggling radial menu fixed that as well

Along those lines yeah. Might have been some more potent stuff

Oh Carlton.

"Part of being able to set off on a ten year journey was planning for it. We don't know exactly how over these years the story will play out or the kinds of activities we'll have"

I like this quote from destiny article:

Looking forward to? Is it not out for you?

I Just got my shiny ralts!!! I love this game. I just don't understand why pokemon following you had to be limited to gold and silver remakes or have more costume pokemon like pikachu

Luke I encourage you to read this link fully and then say you've kicked the habit.

This has to be my favorite post ever! This was my first computer game and my favorite map ever as well. I loved using the translocator for unique movement as well. Now I'm redowloading my GoG copy