ah nostalgia. If it doesn't totally stink I may eventually play it
ah nostalgia. If it doesn't totally stink I may eventually play it
and at 2pm est. There should be a new weekly humble bundle I believe
wait did they change it so hexes hit world master if you white stone?
like I've said ea wants every last cent... Offering discounts on microtransactions... Come on. In this instance I believe it's in the good interest of their consumers even if they don't agree. Look at the games they developed, free to play and in cases even give.money to those.who play. They didn't want to.charge you…
Oh man that humble flash sale is the only time I paid top price. Gotta love nostalgia!
well Logitech is pretty solid I just don't know how a joystick would operate for these games. I have the G600 which o LOVE for any games from wolfenstein to ws. The bones on my fingers are angled instead of straight now... : (
well Logitech is pretty solid I just don't know how a joystick would operate for these games. I have the G600 which…
I'm tempted with the G13. mouse and keyboard is killing my hand with wildstar
I'm tempted with the G13. mouse and keyboard is killing my hand with wildstar
his face when it starts! Thank you : )
Patricia YOU just spoiled FFVII for me. I only knew it was a beloved game and just got it for steam :( no spoiler warning
I thought that about alternate weapons at first too until I realized there are always green ammo available and they are well placed. I would like it better if at lease one or two shots could stay for those situation changes
watch them screw the pooch and have you fight an airbender not in aangs family
Really? I'd say this is when people wait til it's dirt cheap not resorting to theft. You can't justify stealing from the company "Sykofox"
every time a new name popped up I hit record lol and my rifle does like 224 to enemies at level 9 and that level.9 ogre was criticaling for 88! They are tanks forget the nights
BEAUTIFUL MAP. this is the Level they should have demoed. Did anyone else explore the whole time? I pretty much went to every area (that wasn't blocked by a dang door). Fought a level 9 chosen ogre and two level 12 gold hollowed nights : ) there were golden chests too though I only know of one
pretty sure that's normal. Anyone can take that chest since its online game. Only gold ones don't respawn when opened
Well blue...
awesome. Thanks Shane, I look forward to seeing how this continues to evolve!
awesome. Thanks Shane, I look forward to seeing how this continues to evolve!
I got this sexy black ship and it's white rarity!
wow Thanks for the reply! Just thought I would give feedback since I always look forward to these and any other kotaku posts! I just had this idea and I thought I'd mention it on the off chance it is helpful. I don't know if its possible but maybe could you do popouts (like a text bubble) from the page for each…
wow Thanks for the reply! Just thought I would give feedback since I always look forward to these and any other…
Bob just read the new article too if you haven't already. This is from announcing new iron banner times. They arent saying these rewards aren't permanent just that they aren't they ONES THEY TEASED : )"Is this the special surprise that you had planned for Saturday?" you ask.