anyone else notice dark souls unlocks in five hours?
anyone else notice dark souls unlocks in five hours?
also gamefly has 15% off almost everything bringing torch to 4.24
torchlight 2 is for five on gamefly...
it's obviously story heavy and I lovedd beyond. It took Mr like 3 days to beat without much effort
I heard it's okay but wait for a sale unless you can't eait
not to mention two of those three are not vita specific. Well.golden is. Kinda wish I had one agagin now
It's been any two months and the game didn't receive the best so they they try and push it cheap. I caved for $14
So does no weeklong deals on steam mean there will be a spring sale soon? i was told this is an indicator of bigger then normal sales
I would bet that they stay quiet for E3 but maybe well hear something from them by end of year. They take their time and there isnt nearly as many people on next gen that bought skyrim at launch so they may wait until it grows so they can make huge day one sales again
I said screw it and just bought off uplay from.same price with their spring sale
Far Cry 3 ($8) | Amazon
Me too! Now that one is A classic
wolf among us for 15 on steam!
Thsi just in: Notch announces Then cancels minecraft in titanFall because he needs attention!
Never truly finished this game would love to on console!
Anyone know when the 780ti gpu will drop in price? Only recently back to pc
They promised they wouldn't and there is a reason I like this site...
That blue screen happened to me when entering dungeon in dominion beginning. I was luckily able to /log out and have it work again. I'm thoroughly enjoying this. You have to like mmos though
So what alliance are you though?