
Don't worry Sir. There's a greyhound in the bread basket.

Curious. The american I've met over here always seem a little squeemish about chomping down on bunny.

Heh. Saucy!

Well, done. Chicks love getting eaten.

So would you eat horse as a starter or a mane course?

Yup, someone shoul rein them all in.

Don't be such a neigh-sayer!

I live in Spain and I always like to bring my American guests to a restaurant whose speciality is rabbit chunks on a bed of garlic and onions. Aside from being absolutely delicious, it’s such fun to watch the expression on their faces.
The shock effect is heightened because there’s a tradition in Spain of always

"….Trump’s 2018 fiscal budget includes a provision that would “humanely euthanize” wild horses and sell them for slaughter, at a savings of $10 million…."

Mr. Edible?

To me she always looked a bit like an Easter Island statue wearing a wig.

Yeah and if a wooden puppet came to life, how would it be able to make facial expressions, and if a fully-grown prince tried to climb a tower using a woman’s hair, wouldn’t she fall out of the window or at least scream in pain, and who ever knocked down a house by blowing and if a boy was born the size of a thumb,

Nice comments stream. Nobody is telling anybody else that they’re full of shit.
Everyone’s just making positive suggestions.
Must be Friday.

Whatever you do RingoKostello, do NOT listen to Stevie Ray Vaughan's cover of Little Wing.
Your head just might explode.

Showing American troops getting pinned down by a single enemy sniper as a metaphor for the folly of war?
I’m surprised that there was no mention of Full Metal Jacket in this review.
The premise is almost identical.

It was a young Gabriel Byrne doing the humping too.
He's Irish, so when John Boorman told him to be sure to use protection during the sex scene, he probably thought 'Armour!'

Is Sina George any relation to Johnny Turk?

You're gonna have to go stand in the corner for that, odduck.
We'll decide what to do with you later.

Hands down.
It had a young Helen Mirren playing Morgana, for goodness sake.