
Christina Hendricks? You mean there's an actual honest-to-god American playing an American in this movie? (or is she Canadian?)

Agree, she seems very talented.

One of those films that just nails the atmosphere of creeping dread so well.

There Will Be Blubber

How bout watching The Ring on LSD?
Would the little girl actually crawl out and turn your face to a prune?……..

"That he was actually just a human being with a monumental drug dependency mattered less to the pundits than his value as something to write about to alleviate their collective boredom. The fact that he could very well be dead soon was not their concern. In fact, it’d just give them more to write about."

Jeez, those two actors in the photo are standing awfully stiff.
They look like shop window mannequins.

'a ruggedly handsome killer'?

"Al Pacino is taller than he’s been in years" - not exactly setting the bar all that high (either)..


Maybe Neeson caught a virus off De Niro on the set of The Mission.

You surely mean 'Le Roi des Reines'.

Yup, I
always thought Starship Troopers had a bit of an edge on Top Gun when it came
to technical credibility.

Ah yes, the universe of French cinema where short, ugly, middle-aged men get to seduce young nubile beauties. I used to think that this was a totally unrealistic Gallic fantasy….. but then who come along but Sarkozy, Strauss-Kahn, Aznavour …..

Captain Frank Furillo, that it all.
(OK I'm old, sod off)

Yes but you don't ever really 'buy' Corona, you just rent it,

Sounds like they put this script together from scraps that were stolen from Richard Curtis's wastepaper basket.

Or Black Death, Bean's character would seriously have to forget about windsurfing in heaven.

Agree with all the above.
I reckon if you go to this movie expecting a deep, life-changing experience, you'll be sorrily disappointed. But if you go in expecting a flashy enjoyable lark, you'll probably have a blast. Seeing it in 3D and getting baked would probably be the icing on the cake.

I don't know why they bothered suspending this kid.
After all, it'll probably be his buddy Samwise who'll end up shooting the school up.