
Hey Tasha, you could have also included Liam Neeson's "Unknown" in your slot and nailed two articles for the price of one.

This is an absolutely brilliant and tragically underrated movie, an amazing mix of the cerebraland visceral. A complex Machiavellian plot, heartbreaking scenes and powerhouse performances, it’s probably in my top ten.

"the discomfort of being squeezed inside a narrow, aerodynamic tube"

Two of my favorites:

"From here, the movie plunges straight into the director’s established, fatalistic neon universe of loner professionals, doomed romances, late-night coffee shops, private jets, speedboats, and blistering urban firefights."

I remember seeing the Time Machine with my sister when we were kids and there’s one scene where you can see the silhouette of a bunch of huge Morlocks approaching Taylor through a thin curtain, their eyes shining bright in the reflected light. We both had nightmares that night and my sister says she sometimes still

Yup, I figure the president just used the escape capsule to get away from all those muthafuckin' snakes.

‘For the first time, the lead role in a Dardenne movie is played not by some talented
nonprofessional plucked out of obscurity, but by a bona fide international movie star, Marion Cotillard.’

Film could be called Devos and Butthead.

I'll watch anything with Devos in it. I first noticed her in Read My Lips and never looked back. One of the best French actresses currently around.

It's a pity that M. Night Anderson changed his name.
That way, PWSA might at least have had one director less talented than himself.

Although his latest movie made quite a splash.

Yeah, now that you mention it, it's hard to think of a movie where Sizemore makes it to the final credits.

Looking at that illustration above, I can’t help but wonder if Wes Anderson has anything
to do with the forthcoming mini-series. Maybe it’ll be about a little girl who shot her boyfriend and then ran away with her scrapbook to live in a twee tree house deep in the woods of Canada.

Wow, with ‘Still Alice’ just two reviews back and now this, dementia seems to be the new black.

Hudson? Washington?
OK it’s obvious that this director is going for US geographical names with his
female stars. If he tries to get Bryce Dallas Howard, Dakota Fanning or
Virginia Madsen too, the game will definitely be up.


Bah, so what?
For years Anthony Quinn was the go-to actor for random ethnic roles. He got to play Arabians, a greeks, Italians, Frenchies, Mongols, Eskimos and even Long John Silver. Once or twice he actually got to play a Mexican.

Or a movie about a dangerous desperado who converts to Islam.
The Homelandsman.

OK, so the man can do silly dances on film but let’s face it, he’s no Christopher Walken.