
Isn’t Duluth a little too close to the Canadian border
for comfort? Wouldn’t the film crew be tempted to nip over the border to shoot
a few scenes (or buy prescription drugs) for half the price? I mean can you imagina a Canadian trying to pronounce 'Tatooine' eh?

Of course Evans should really be sporting a BillyRayCyrus mullet…even in the WWII flashback scenes….hell, ESPECIALLY in the WWII flashback scenes.

It's amazing that he doesn't appear in the trailer either.
A small part but he totally stole the movie.

So what's next? SmallSmallWorld the Movie with Peter Dinklage and Ellen Page?

He's got a family to support now.

It'd still be an improvement on Melanie. The robot looks more natural for starters.

Makes you wonder why Frank Miller hasn't made him the hero of a comic yet.

The movie could have been called 'Nosferatoy' just to despel all location doubts.

Dolph Lundgren?
Dya think that the 'dolph' might just be a shorter version of another name perchance?

Can't help but notice there's quite a bit of Eva Green on this list. Not that I disapprove, mind.

You say that on every blind date, don't you?

I saw him in Hugo and kept thinking that it was a girl playing a boy's role. Does anyone else share my suspicións that he might be trans?

Kevin Turvey
Kevin the Teenager (Harry Enfield)
My Perfect Cousin (The Undertones)
The most notable of Gru's minions.
We Need to Talk About Kevin
Kevin - but seriously, didn't Waterworld suck?

Absolutely. I saw it when I was a youngster and the ending messed me up for days.

I thought "innuendo" was an Italian suppository.

I notice that nobody has mentioned Sweet Tooth, and rightly so. Dull as ditchwater and with the same cheap 'meta' twist as is found in the far superior Atonement. McEwan is a great writer but he really needs some fresh plot ideas.

You're a genius Ratchet! Adam Sandler "should" be George Formby firstly because they both have mad skilz on the ukelele and secondly because I can't think of two people I'd like to punch in the face more.

Yeah there is always a sadness about her beautiful face that makes her perfect for both roles.

Well he already got killed in True Grit so there'd be no lack of practice in dying in the Wild West.

It's Father Ted with Father Jack's budgie!