
As someone who thinks FFVI and FFVII are peak FF, this new gameplay excites me. It’s much better suited for the more immersive world.

Justin Roiland is a one trick pony? No way.

It’s amazing how much of our society depends on people not being dicks.

I wonder if this is part of that wave of nationalism that people are expecting. Everyone seems to be going down that path lately.

This is exciting news. Hopefully it gets an anime adaptation too.

As a Canadian I like the Queen, but after her I don’t feel a need to continue with it. King Charles just doesn’t feel right.

Most anime is a loss leader for merchandise. Sometimes they’re lucky enough to break even, or make a profit, and even then that comes from physical sales of DVDs.

The anime industry being a meat grinder for artists is a fairly large open secret. The whole industry needs a reset, and maybe Netflix can help with that, but it’s unlikely because being stuck in one’s ways is often seen as a virtue in Japan.

I once caught a guy jerking off at me in a scrapyard when I was looking for a car part. (I’m a man, btw.) He quickly slipped away through the stacks of cars when I noticed.

The dominant chain in Canada, Cineplex, has something similar called TimePlay. It’s not AR, but you compete against everyone else in the cinema by doing things like answering trivia on your phone, and you can win food prizes and loyalty program points.

We finally modernized sex ed in Ontario (Canada) a few years back, properly bringing issues like sexual harrassment and abuse to young children. Christians absolutely freaked the fuck out, and last year the newly elected conservative government rolled it back to the 1998 curriculum to pander to them.

Sailor Moon’s backgrounds set off one of the current colour trends in design, which is pretty amazing when you think about it.

Love the Dominos delivery scooter that follows along with the pack running down the street to the rescue. It adds that extra needed touch.

You underestimate how much little kids will play things over and over.

I’ve known about the Color TV Game 6, but that totally would have tripped me up as well. Partially because the question feels related to US pop culture, partly because it barely registers as a console to me.

The reading of “squad goals” in this context is “the tight-knit group of people I want to surround myself with”.

This looks like it is designed to appeal to a very specific kind of adult that won’t shut the fuck up about “pop culture.

I’ve got a copy of Super Mario Bros. that my rabbit chewed on. I wonder what I can get for that.

Nintendo also quite often prefers to hire people who *aren’t* gamers. Having people with other interests and hobbies on staff allows them to have fresh perspectives and different ideas, allowing them to develop games with broader appeal.

“People are such a pain in the ass.”