
Just wow. Referring to your child as an “ungrateful little shit” is called verbal abuse. Just to give you some perspective, I think anyone who knows me would vouch for me being a kind and grateful person. My mother was verbally abusive and manipulative for as long as I can remember, constantly wanting control over

It’s pretty insensitive to put that much pressure on the daughter to force a relationship that she clearly is having trouble with. Just because someone pays for something for you, doesn’t mean you owe them a relationship. Her mother is choosing to pay for her education (most likely because she pushed her to go to

It’s not rude to not feel comfortable forging a relationship with someone who you feel manipulated by, even if they are your mother. I assume her daughter will be getting on her own two feet financially as soon as she possibly can, and going on to live her life the way she wants to without being pulled on by someone

Actually, it is quite easy to identify your own mother as similar after reading what she wrote in- just as I have with my own mother. Emotional manipulation is easy to spot when you’ve experienced it yourself and see the red flags in someone else’s words.

I constantly felt pressured, guilted, and threatened into ‘having a relationship’ with my mother, because “she paid for my things.” She liked the control she had over me while supporting me financially, but once I was able to support myself, she was left with no strings to pull on. She was not typically kind to me,