
I am pessimistic, but compared to you a optimist. Why do you say that? Look how far we have come in the last 70 years:

Not a expert, but going to take a guess. The MMIII and the Trident have roughly the same range (8000 miles). I think the issue is based on where the silos are, at that range they can’t hit targets globally. I.E. a MM3 can’t hit all of the targets that may be required in China, Pakistan, etc. it was designed to go

When you learn to use a tool, the tool goes in your toolbox. When you graduate the toolbox is yours to keep.

The Iranian system was air-gaped, didn't help them...

Staying home sick from school in the mid 80’s:

The world is in the best place it has *EVER* been in. Bar none, no argument, absolute truth. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is light years better then it was 100 years ago.

More submarines, and a new Destroyer/Cruiser. Zumwalt is nice, but take what we learned from that and make something that is affordable to mass produce. The Burkes are great, but will never be able to field advanced weaponry (Rail Gun, Energy Weapons). Submarines will own the ocean in a ‘real’ war.

Seen that video a few times, everytime I watch it, it looks like he is coming in WAY to fast to make that landing.

That is solvable.. We cant change (well, probably cant) weather patterns, but we can use technology to move water around, desalinate, or pull out of the atmosphere. Cost of energy is a issue, but who knows in 10, 20, 40, 80 years..

Paying taxs.

Exactly.. Could you imagine someone predicting 80 years ago the yield we have today? They would have been off by a huge order of magnitude.

Just curious - Why is Corn dropping off a cliff? Aside from just saying ‘Climate Change’, whats the exact reason why? Temperature? Drought? Blite?

Try emailing the pest control company that his family owned..

How in the world do you shut down ‘Public’ Hot-Spots? As I’m assuming what they means by this, is anyone running a HotSpot with no security turned on (which anyone can do).

Not sure it’s that, I think its more that people in our government still see solutions to problems as being black and white. Assad is bad, so we must get rid of him, without understanding the nuances of what he is doing and what the result of him not being there would be.

Cant find them handy now, but also keep in mind I said Sortie rate. Unlike the Russians, the U.S. isnt bombing anything that moves, just ISIS/Al Nusra targets. So, we may send a plane up and have it come back with munitions. The Russians will *always* find a target to drop on, since they are not fighting ISIS, but

Speak Russian?

Yes, because it has NEVER happened there before.

Are you kidding me? Up until a few weeks ago Russia wasn't even there. Even now we are running more sorties then them.

Yep, there is, but the U.S. Is doing 90% of the work. It would be nice to share the burden.