
Thank you for sharing. I think it's ironic that in a way, being ostracized by Christians into handling money paid off in the long run.

People who are social tend to have connections, but not all connections are the same. Some people have connections to free home repair. Others have connections to reduced airfare. Others have connections to get prestigious jobs or entry into prestigious schools. Others have connections to quality drugs.

There are certain very fundamental things we do not have, such as our own last name, our former languages, many of our former traditions, and knowledge of our countries and ethnic groups of origin.

Yes, the conversation has been SO disingenuous!!! The lack of honesty because people are denying their privilege makes those individuals look bad.

It's NOT about you individually, it's about y'all collectively, cause intersectionality plays a role. Are you poor? In a region with few Jews? Etc.?


7. No shared language.

My incomplete take on the issue:

Most well-run communities help each other get jobs, money and resources. I WISH the black community did, and historically when people tried, jealous white people ran them out of town, killed them, and/or set their homes and businesses on fire. Some culture's diasporas do reasonably well all over the world for many

When a community is disproportionately poor, there is no local attorney in the same house of worship to ask for help.

His rapid rise also meant that even if he was better at schmoozing, and even if he was a white man, as a person with less experience, he has fewer people who owe him favors.

What is your field? Do you speak Swedish? I fantasize about running off to Europe to live.

I was in a similar situation for 3 years. Are you ok socializing with people older, who have more independent children, or younger, who don't yet have kids? Meetup did not work well for me, but as a new cyclist interested in urban planning, I met people through community events based on shared interests.

Do you live near a library with long hours? You can't smoke, but it's warm.

There was an article by either Moe or Slut Machine about how herpes is not a big deal. I can't speak for others, but I'd rather not have it.

Melissa Harris-Perry's discussion with other black women about their hair would be more accurate.

Do people just hand you wads of cash?

Ipad sellers encourage increased technology equipment in the schools in order to make more money. It's the companies trying to get school district contracts, not the kids, who have greater say as to whether kids have tablets.

You are lucky to have grown up in a healthy, happy, well adjusted family. Not everyone is so lucky.

Just a guess, but adoptions often occur because something went wrong. Some parents would prefer to have a child who has not been exposed to trauma at a young age, not that it cannot happen to biological children.