As someone that has held midlevel positions for awhile now, I can openly say that so many of the Corporate Janes are just as complicit as their male counterparts in... just about everything.
I could easily write 5000 words about how half the beauty industry seems to think that holographic, iridescent, and opalescent are interchangeable terms. :(
Jesus. The sheer volume of this is mind blowing :(
Well, for one thing assignment editors are generally male. So, there’s that. “Here, girls, here’s a thing for you. Cover it and get those eyeballs!”
Here’s the thing though: If those circles organize politically, that’s HUGE.
I actually didn’t hate this book when it came out and I gave Sheryl Sandberg the benefit of the doubt. But ever since she’s been silent about Trump, met with him, and then only delivered some milquetoast post on Facebook about the travel ban she can shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. She’s not really interested…
Years ago my coworker highly recommended it to me
And believe it or not, I’m really not trying to hate on Ms. Sandberg. No one is wrong in telling you to ask for a raise if you deserve one. (I love Jean Chatzky on these matters, for instance.) But Jean isn’t telling us that this is the answer to patriarchy. She’s just trying to help a gal out. And that, I respect.
It’s been four years and I’m still wondering why so many Average Janes thought that a book by a Corporate Jane was somehow going to empower their career. Can anyone tell me how Lean In was going to help the grocery store cashier get a fifty cent raise this year?
The amount of discussion about this book among women has…
Huh. It’s almost as if policy and patriarchy dictate this stuff and not the you-go-get-‘em determination of individual women.
That was always what killed me. That and the whole Harvard Economy BS and MBA, as well as being mentored by Larry Summers. Having the right connections didn’t help her in the slightest.
Huh. It’s almost as if our political and social structures have deep-seated cultural barriers constructed in such a way as to prevent women’s independence and advancement! Who knew?
Damn Sheryl it’s almost like capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with the equal liberation of all people!
One of the greatest commercials for something that is essentially a curved footstool.
Definitely, it strikes me as yet another way men try to shape the ideal woman. Enough makeup so you don’t dare look like you have blemishes and dark circles, but not that bright red lipstick, that’s not serious. Don’t dress masculine, you’re a woman! Dress feminine, but not so feminine that you’re like a little girl!…
Confession: I have a bunch of unicorn and mermaid crap.
Now that the demographic that loved Lisa Frank’s designs as kids or teenagers are grown-ass women who have purchasing power this unicorn fever doesn’t surprise me in the least.
It seriously looks like that bear is in sinus pain
Holy crap, I actually took one Linda Alvarez’s classes at CSUN! I for the life of me couldn’t remember the course, but she was an amazing professor my junior year :)