
PREACH. Sex-selective policies, or sex-selective technologies, are powerless without a society’s sex-selective attitudes. Which show no signs of going away, ever.

Sometimes, the cheapest way to pay for something is with money.

That might not go too well. I don’t need to outsource, if I wanted to find a man who is uneducated and doesn’t value women, I have a huge selection on Tinder and they are nearby and free. :)

Actually, it would be just as bad. I don’t have the article bookmarked, but Colleges in America that report the highest level of sexual assaults are all 60% plus female. When men have “options” they tend to stay single longer and avoid relationships, and as they “crush more thots” they tend to get more and more

I have a mid-20's female colleague in the Shanghai area who claims that all the men in her age group are what we would call “Mama’s Boys.”

I know right? It actually sounds like a nicer and safer society to live in. If you get lonely, just talk to the other salty broads around you.

Yeah, people have been talking about the growing crop of “broken branches” in China for well over a decade. There’s always been one surefire way to get rid of a society’s surplus males, and it’s far less effective now with modern technologies. Only an extremely large, protracted, non-nuclear war can produce the

Yeeeeahhh. Especially since he’s working on the redistricting right now, I’d love it if we could keep it all vewwy vewwy qwwiett so he doesn’t get shot by one of these racist nutbars before he even tries.

When you fuck with nature, it will fuck with you right back.

the usual solution is war.

“He prefers not being in the spotlight,” said a source.

He has always been the high school senior dating the freshman because they were still naive enough to think he has deep thoughts while even high school senior girls saw through his bullshit. I guess he is moving on to middle school girls now.

His “David Duke” boner, don’t forget.

Dude just needs to stop talking. Period. He has no filter and sounds like a creepy idiot 90% of the time.

“moderate”? No. Those instagrams are everything.

“This concert was a major challenge for him. 5 years ago he would have made a move on Kendall and Hailey, but now he exercises restraint.”

Too late.

Nothing like a 39 year old creeping on a 21 year old.