
Here’s how you help. If you have the means, pay for journalism where applicable, click on ads for sites that are “free” but ad-supported, use the newspaper to place classified ads instead of or in addition to Craigslist (papers make a lot from classifieds, or used to), and support SPJ and CJR and Poynter. And don’t

WORD!! I’m only journalist-adjacent but I know how tough and serious you guys are. I have no worries—you can’t stop free speech and truth, and you sure as hell can’t stop the people who dedicate their lives to it. Go get him, reporters!

Seriously, he has like no promises and just slogans/vague ideas- sorry that’s not reassuring to most of us

They are claiming that trump supporters work more than liberals so that’s why the turnout was so low lmfao.

a successful trump administration, and our nation prospering are two separate and mutually exclusive things

My response to anyone who says that nonsense it to tell them to get acquainted with the parable of the scorpion and the frog. I will have nothing to do with the failure. You will have nothing to do with the failure. The failure is simply in Trump’s nature. We all simply must get used to its inevitable arrival is all.

Well, the key difference is you probably don’t have some sketch AF sex tapes in the hands of a foreign dictator, nor have every goddamn career politician & government employees slavering for your eventual destruction breathing down your neck, nor do you owe billions of dollars to people who’d cheerfully kill you

I hear you, and if it’s between between facts, science, math and logic and them, well, fuck them, indeed.

Whoa. That’s dark. Odd, but unsurprising that a guy with that many connections doesn’t have any friends. Friends are how non-narcissistic people deal with the setbacks of life.

Also from 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

My only hope left is that Dump’s team, now that they can’t wave shiny rallies and shit in front of him, is going to burn out and quit at an incredible rate because they cannot take the Up To 11 tantrums and whining while trying to get him to go to just one meeting, it’s the President of China, YES, you have to go, NO

Truth is truth. It’s not about being a ‘liberal reporter’.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984

So I used that exact citation of how many metro trips were used for this inauguration versus Obama’s on Facebook, the personi rebutted responded that Republicans wouldn’t ride the metro because they all drive cars. I just really wanted to shake her.

Before I would call it “the last hiccuping cries of a child’s temper tantrum for being denied candy”, but now that he’s president and commander-in-chief, it’s not so innocent anymore; your analogy is more apt and terrifying.

Thank you for your service!

He can hold me accountable all he wants. I have over 200 years of history behind me. Come at me, you fucking tangerine.

Speaking from experience it reminds me of being a drug addict. Drugs were how you soothed and dealt with anything but they will eventually destroy you. But when shit hits the fan, that’s all you know. That’s the only way you know how to cope, so you’ll do anything for it because it’s your lifeline while it’s

They know they’re going to fail. The one thing they never planned for was actually being elected. Now they have to govern, and that’s work, and if there’s one thing affluent whites can’t succeed at, it’s working for a living. All I wanted was to keep up our admittedly too-slow advancement, to maintain the status quo

Trump’s first upgrade as a public servant: replacing his twitter account with living, shouting, wrong, stupid, pissed off human being.