The shrieking of a deranged administration finally realizing that reality won’t just step quietly up to the wall to get shot.
The shrieking of a deranged administration finally realizing that reality won’t just step quietly up to the wall to get shot.
It’s not clear which tweet he was referring to, but plenty of photographic evidence indicated a low turnout for Trump’s inauguration.
The Flint situation is bad, and I hope they continue to speak up and bring attention to the issue, but it is hardly the only place with this issue. On the Navajo reservation the mined for uranium, didn’t adequately protect the Native workers, then didn’t clean up.
As if we needed any more reminders of the hypocrisy of the Trump administration, they promise to “build up the infrastructure”. Starting with making replacing the dangerous water system of Flint a priority and funding it would be in line with fulfilling that campaign promise of repairing broken infrastructure. I…
Gov. Rick Snyder and his moronic minions don’t realize that if they don’t fix the problems they’ve wrought in Flint and other suffering Michigan cities, they’re going to lose house (and electoral college) seats in the 2020 census, as people flee his state. More Republican short-sightedness.
I know, and as a half German/half American I find this alternatingly hilarious and terrifying.
I hate the narrative that Clinton ran a bad campaign. It took Comey and the Russians and the electoral college (throwback to slavery!) to defeat her. Embrace our values! If we can, reach out to those who are willing to ally.
I keep telling people that the things you’d have to do to get back even a significant amount of these voters is something we’d regret as progressives. They chose their fate. They decided that racism and sexism and everything else were more important to them than actual policy. That’s on them. Hillary Clinton had a…
I’ve been saying this from the jump - to my husband, friends, family, anyone who’ll listen. We need to focus on our base, grow the young’un vote, and ensure that we turn out for not just the GE. That’s what’s killing us.
I am glad that people have begun to realize sometimes one needs to fight fire with fire. If you are going to fight someone that has a roll of quarters in their fist, you don’t fight them with one hand behind your back.
“We saw a candidate use identity politics—and I’m talking about Donald Trump—who managed to make the dog whistles about who gets to really be an American, who really gets to belong, who really deserves, turn those dog whistles into a bullhorn. And we can no longer be silent about how important it is to finally…
The Trumps will never be able to perform any shade, because shade requires the ability to read deeply and connect dots. Shade is semiotics. Not a single member of that family possesses the subtlety, attention to detail, or nuance to truly understand shade, much less throw it.
Yes, yes, yes. Political shade is sometimes the best shade.
I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.
Diane is fantastic. Charlie steals every scene he is in, but Diane is amazing.
Does this mean that now Trump is literally the Bane of our existence?
I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.
I unapologetically love it when people refer to him as Struggle Jackson. It never gets old for me.