
That’s so fucked up because I’m a huge advocate for restorative justice and I am so fucking sick of misogynists using to to justify abuse when the whole fucking point is that the perpetrator TAKES RESPONSIBILITY AND DOES WORK TO BENEFIT THE VICTIM AND PREVENT FUTURE VICTIMS. It makes me so angry that a philosophy

Ayyyup. It actually gets even crazier.

I literally have no male friends left from my college days... and I don’t miss any of them. Life is so much better now not having to read SOME bullshit BS sermon every day about ‘restorative justice’ for unapologetic rapists and murderers of black women while they scream that we should serve as canon fodder in their

I agree with you on the not being a conspiracy part. I assume it is something that will be brought up every time he creates something, like Roman Polanski or Woody Allen.

Yep. Your female family members don’t get you a pass. I hate that some cannot/will not understand how girls & women are treated unless they frame it in relation to themselves. know, that’s interesting, because if I wake up in the middle of the night and I’m peckish and you look sort of like a honey-baked ham to my sleep-addled brain, I can start chewing off chunks of your flesh, right? Cuz you’ll wake up and get into it, I’m sure.

Tired of these fake woke brothas.

For all of these ‘he was acquitted’ apologists out there: None of you are taking into account that Nate Parker continued to associate with the man who was convicted in a court of law of raping this same woman — and then chose, above all people — to co-write a movie with his friend/rapist in an effort to give him the

I did not know that there was an actual name for the douches that seem to swarm articles about Cosby, Kelly, point out how it’s all a vast conspiracy to discredit and take money from powerful black men all while spouting bullshit about how women should be treated like queens or goddesses (unless they’re

Forgiveness is not owed, it’s earned. The concept of restorative justice implies that the transgressor has accepted they have erred, as you can see this gentleman does no believe that’s the case. If you want to make a habit of forgiving people who won’t even admit they’ve wronged you go right ahead , but don’t ask me

Thank GOD I banished every gaslighting hotep from my life five years ago... because my timeline would have been a bloody battlefield about this story right now.

I think the commenters are calling him a piece of shit, but the writers can’t straight up come out and call him a rapist.

I saw a really interesting exchange pertaining exactly to this on the comments section of the NYT article this morning. A black man commented to say that this was all a smear campaign, conspiracy, etc. A black woman replied, mentioning that it’s important to believe rape which the man immediately

Amen. This is crocodile tears, dude is finally having some kind of consequence and is trying so hard not to lose his Oscar while the victim took her life. Fuck him this shit isn't authentic.

I’m sorry that’s something you had to experience sis. He disgusts me and I am appalled that he tried the old I have a wife and daughters now so I’m a good guy bullshit.

His attitude is shockingly common. Rape is only committed by men who attack random ladies on the streets. It couldn’t possibly be done by guys who gain a woman’s confidence or friendship and abuse it to the highest degree. Nope, that’s just “bad sex”.

My biggest problem with this article is that it again focuses almost solely on Parker’s narrative and feelings. This morning we knew he was sad that he got caught. Now we know he’s also sad that his PR situation has gotten worse and he’s had to “learn” of this tragedy with the media. Even in this letter he maintains

Yup and yet here he is acting like a victim

Hold up, are we in a court of law? Am I a judge? A member of a jury? A lawyer?

“I’m profoundly sorry I’m getting called on my shit and may experience slight discomfort my shite behavior has been exposed to the world”